Saturday, September 29, 2007

Reasons I love my clients #0

This will teach me to represent really really funny guys with too much time on their hands***:

I was just toodling around the new Fine Print site and have to say it looks great. Very sleek and polished. You guys should be very proud.

I did notice that you don't have a photo up. You really ought to. On the off chance that you don't have a suitable photo for the site I found one you can use:

"Janet Reid" is about halfway down the page. People will think you were raised in the 18th century, and possibly wash your clothes on a rock, but at least you'll have a photo.

***so, then I post his email and link, and what comes back at me but THIS:

I would like to point out that it is not because I "have too much time on my hands."

It is because I procrastinate at work.

Unlike, I hope and pray, you.

I was just getting ready to write a post about slacker writers who don't answer their phones when their agents call...and I realized it was Sunday and maybe everyone isn't poised at the phone awaiting my call. Thank goodness for text messages...track those scofflaws down even at Coney Island!


Mags said...

I'm sure your clients are all aware that you died in 1918. Because that is the kind of thing that should really be disclosed before beginning any professional relationship...

Janet Reid said...

I am my own zombie.

josh said...

That's why agents go for the writers with the "best" manuscripts... they gots the best (tasting) brains.

Sandra Cormier said...

Nice site -- very friendly.

Regarding your picture; well... you look... strong like streetcar.

Hey, I gave up waiting for someone to take a picture of me and just took my own.

Mags said...

Janet Reid said...
I am my own zombie.

Oh, well, that's okay then.

Kitty said...

Did y'get your flu shot yet? ;~)


Christa M. Miller said...

Damn. I wish I had a sense of humor - it would be so cool to work with you. You even make zombie references!

DeadlyAccurate said...

Damn. I wish I had a sense of humor - it would be so cool to work with you.

She has good enough sense of humor to make up for our deficiencies.