Saturday, September 29, 2007

What a start to the day!

oh yes yes yes, I didn't even need my normal IV drip of coffee to get dancing today.

Here's the latest mention of Jeff Somers' The Electric Church at Philip Palmer's blog

He says, among other things "I've just finished reading The Electric Church by Jeff Somers. I'd recommend it strongly. It's a blisteringly exciting, brilliantly conceived cyber-noir-thriller-actionmovie-SF novel. "

For all of you who keep hearing me yammer about EC just break down and click over to Amazon for the link to the first chapter. Then, harass your local library into buying a couple copies.

And if you're anywhere near The Tattered Cover, you'll be able to find EC and the other Orbit novels right here in plain view:

1 comment:

jjdebenedictis said...

I just started reading The Electric Church last night.

It really, really is incredibly good. Well spotted, Miss Reid!