Tuesday, April 09, 2019

I'm being inveigled into reading a book before I should!

Contest results on Wed 4/10.
Yes, I'm slacking off, eating bonbons and watching

I pre-ordered a book that isn’t being released until the 23rd. Today, two weeks before the release date, my local, somewhat hapless indie bookstore called me to say it was there and I could pick it up. This is not the first time they have done this, though it is the first time when I have pointed out their mistake (“Oh, I think you’re not supposed to sell me this until (date)”) that they’ve told me I’m wrong and the book is okay for me to pick up. Normally, they thank me profusely and say they’ll see me in a couple weeks. I double-checked the pub date and yep, it’s the 23rd. 

What say you? Am I in the clear? Do I hurt anybody if I go get the book early? I’m getting pretty tired of tracking release dates for the bookstore. Still, they’re the only non-used / secular bookstore in town and I’d hate it if they went away. The book isn’t exactly Harry Potter so I can’t imagine the consequences of selling it to me early are all that severe . . .
You are not in breach of your duties as a good citizen of the book community.
The ONLY time there is a problem -- and it's NOT your problem, it's that of the bookstore -- is if there is an embargo, or a one-day laydown for the book.

One day laydown is what you saw with Harry Potter. The books were on sale the same day in all stores.

Sometimes it's all stores around the world. Trust me, that's a job and a half.
Embargoes are what you saw for things like Hilary Clinton's memoir; no publicity until a certain date, no review copies sent etc.

None of these are your responsibility to enforce or observe, even in the "character is what you do when no one is looking" kind of way.

If the bookstore calls you to tell you a book is ready, go get it and read it with a clear conscience.
Publication date is when all stores should have received their copies of the book.
It's not a marker of when it can go on sale, but rather a marker of when it should be on sale.


Christine said...

Her Sharkiness is correct. I worked at a bookstore. Only boxes marked "Do not sale before (this date)" were put aside. Other than that, we put the books on the shelf when they came in. Buy your books with a clean conscience.

Amy Johnson said...

Today's post, including the linked article, was informative for me. Stuff I didn't know I didn't know about. Seems no matter how much I study the industry, there's still more to learn. Another reason to seek an agent.

E.M. Goldsmith said...

I love getting books early - if the book is all bound and finished and "ready" at bookstore, go for it. Read with a clear conscience.

Lennon Faris said...

Oooh, I forgot about the laydown with HP. My sister and I went together at midnight to get our copy. The bookstore was a double story with a front wall of windows, completely packed with fans. All these normal-looking people were swirling around in capes and house colors, grownups and teens and even a few babies. It looked like a real scene from the books.

Can't wait for the next story that brings that much fervor!

Enjoy your reading, OP!

nightsmusic said...

Since I now live in the middle of BFE, as do a few other Reiders, I have no local bookstore. I pre-order from Amazon, whether it be hardcover, PB or Kindle. There has been several times when my book came up to a week early. I'm happy to get the book, and I know that the sale will go toward the author, which is the important thing. Read on!

Melanie Sue Bowles said...

I had to look up inveigled...

And anytime anyone wants to buy any of my books, go for it.

Beth Carpenter said...

Ooh, a shiny new word. Inveigle. I love it.

OP, if you get the book early and love it, your early review will help other people discover a great book. So it's really a public service, right?

AJ Blythe said...

Here's my "learnt something new today" thing (one of the questions we ask at tea time around the table) =)