Monday, February 04, 2019

Monday splat


Murphy would like to know where today's blog post is.

He's probably not alone.

Any guesses as to why today is so ...err....spare?


CynthiaMc said...

Wild Superbowl party + hangover?

Lisa Bodenheim said...

uh-oh. Janet done got her nose in a book again. Must've been a good one.

Love Murphy's expression. Although...was there mischief done?

E.M. Goldsmith said...

Have you checked with the Duchess, a suspect in many things?

Melissa said...

I imagine that Groundhog's Day has knocked everyone off their game. The anticipation, the thrill of the moment, the subsequent heartbreak or takes a while to recover.

french sojourn said...

Comrade, somehow was eaten by spell-czech...da?

Theresa said...

What E.M. said. Hope all is well, Janet.

Jeannette said...

Up late watching the bowl!

Kregger said...

Because neither the Jets nor the Giants won the Suoer Bowl?

LynnRodz said...

You're still comatose after watching the most boring Super Bowl ever.

Claire Bobrow said...

I'm going with Lisa's guess.

Jennifer R. Donohue said...

Murphy, I'm I'm reading him right, would very like that sandwich you have. And/or isn't a big fan of his coat but will do it for the walkies.

Craig F said...

Stupor Bowl and the defrost cycle

MaggieJ said...

Definitely the Duchess, so busy with her Meowmoirs that Janet can't get proper use of her computer. DoY is a probably hunt-and-peck typist, so it could be a slow process. Janet, ignoring yowls of protest, pried her off for long enough to post briefly . . . and in retaliation for DoY's selfish hogging of the computer, posted the picture of Murphy.

Sherry Howard said...

A coma was induced by Adam Levine’s strip-tease and you haven’t awakened yet.

Sorry, I love Adam as a person and singer, but a stripper, not so much!

KariV said...

You got stuck reading King of Scars.

Brenda said...

You are hard at work on your non-fiction book, entitled ‘Queries with Teeth’.

John Davis Frain said...

Had to be that one slush pile submission.

Yaaaaassssssssssssssssssss, that one!

nightsmusic said...

This is my Murphy. A blue doberman with a bad case of alopecia except for his head, (most blues and fawns have that) so when I dial down the temps inside to 63, he wears a jacket. He was roughly two when he was rescued. When we brought him home, he weighed 43 pounds. He's a whopping 98 pounds and healthy now, but carries some emotional baggage. A true 'velcro dog', he's at my side constantly which means no privacy ever! And I'll leave it at that ;)

The look on his face has become pretty standard since he lost his courage last July when our red dobe passed due to CHF. I'm not sure if that look is judgemental, questioning or a little nervous. Could be all of them. In this case, it could very well be, "No post? And why not??"

Barbara Etlin said...

DOY demanded breakfast and you were out of Beluga caviar.

Jennifer R. Donohue said...

nightsmusic, What's your dog clothing secret? I have a heck of a time finding jackets/sweatshirts that fit Dobermans well, and indeed the piece of clothing that served Elka best/longest was a fleece vest from the Gap (via Salvation Army), women's Small. With Ulrike, I've been pretty much out of luck so far, though not trying too hard yet. She's still growing like a black and rust weed!

Karl Henwood said...

Because of the bees. It was inevitable.

Beth Carpenter said...

nightmusic, Murphy is lovely. In that coat, he has a bit of a Sherlock Holmesish vibe, don't you think? Like he's about to don his deerstalker and set out on a quest, but Dr. Watson has once again delayed him by asking a stupid question.

nightsmusic said...

Jennifer I got lucky with that coat. But he only wears that one inside when I don't have the fire raging and I'm wearing several layers. He does have one that I bought a long time ago that has velcro on the neck and the band that goes around his waist, but I bought it a few years ago. It's a Zack and Zoey XL. The XXL recommended for a doberman...he swam in it. Husband bought him a Carhart Chore Coat two weeks ago. Again, the size recommended for a dobe but he swims in that as well. :/ This is the one we have for outside, in red, size XL. Keeps him nice and warm outside:

Beth, I talk to him a lot. Maybe he thinks my conversations are silly, but that's the same look I get ;)

AJ Blythe said...

Janet was up all night planning evil to heap upon unsuspecting writers. No doubt with some help from DoY.

Nightsmusic, I love your description of your shadow as velcro - describes my furry one perfectly. And I agree with Lisa, he does look a little guilty over something.

Panda in Chief said...

I bet Janet was up late for Superb Owl Sunday, waiting for the moon to come up for the best Superb Owl viewing.
That's how you say it, isn't it?
Here in the Northwestern edge of the crumbling empire, we had a surprise snow.
It is not a happy surprise, but very pretty.
Meanwhile, I'm hoping for more superb owls tonight.

Jennifer R. Donohue said...

nightsmusic Thank you! Our problem with Zack and Zoey stuff is if it fits in the chest, it's too long. If it's the right length, it's tight in the chest.

nightsmusic said...

Jennifer, That link I gave you fits Murphy the best out of everything I've tried. They have another one too, red, with a footprint on the butt, that's got a thermo lining. Those two fit him though he's a bit long bodied so I don't close the neck very tight at all. They come just to his tail, but I always had the same problem as you do. The one he's got on in the picture is about to his waist. It's way short for him, but fits in the chest. It's not a Zack and Zoey though.

Maybe you and I should go into the doberman jacket business...

Her Grace, Heidi, the Duchess of Kneale said...

It's Back to School in Australia, and the only thing we're interested in posting to social media is the cute Back to School pics of our offspring in their cute school uniforms.

Yes, pretty much all Australian primary and secondary school students wear school uniforms. Private, public, doesn't matter. It's the norm. (I believe Montessori students do wear street clothes, but otherwise, it's a rare exception.)

AJ Blythe said...

Her Grace, except in Canberra where public high school finishes at year 10 and college (11 and 12) is run more like university, including no uniforms.