Monday, June 03, 2013

for your summer reading pleasure

There were six things Mabel Mavelia could not abide. The first was toast, the second was tea, the third was parakeets, all sorts, the fourth was her father, the fifth was her mother, and the sixth was the great, tall house on Curliblue Street, in which they had made her live. She hated that one most of all. By way of rebellion she had locked herself in the attic.

Of course you want to read the rest of this! Here's the link to the Cabinet of Curiosities a dark delicious blog of stories and other things that will make you shiver.


Juniper said...

Deliciously creepy.

BP said...

OH my goodness! One of the best things I've read all month - how delightful! Thank you, thank you thank you. Original, thoughtful, well-written...