Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Is it still Shark Week? (it's ALWAYS Shark Week!)

---this was sent to me by Editor Awesome
who SHOULD be editing but..well, isn't.


Laura Hughes, MittensMorgul said...

Janet's new theme song!

Bill Plante said...

Wonderful. Nominate the two boys for an academy award.

NotaWarriorPrincess said...

The chorus brings a tiny tear, doesn't? And the moment when the shark returns the bloody severed limb? Poetry. I just, I just need a minute....

Laura M. Campbell said...

This song just rocked my socks right off my feet!

Simon Hay said...

Love it!

Scribble Orca said...

Thanks to Editor Awesome and all the sharks - who were obviously not harmed in the filming of this shark-umentary.

Michael Seese said...

That baby seal thing scared me. He needs one of those disclaimers: "No animals (or Muppets, or kids) were harmed in the making of this video."

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sorry...laughing so hard I messed up the spelling on the first one. Let's try again

"We like to say hello to by, by chomping off a limb."

A true coffee through the nose line.

Writings on the wall said...

lol, funny.

Kris @Imaginary Reads said...

Love this song. It's so adorable!!

Sam Mills said...

Hah! I love the Key of Awesome.