Friday, March 14, 2008

I'm stunning alright...this claw hammer makes sure of that

I'm working my way through a bazillion query letters as I mainline my first NYC coffee in ten days. Probably not the luckiest day to have your query letter here, but oh well.

Just a quick word about how you describe female characters: if the first or only word you use is "stunning" "gorgeous" "sex-bomb" "limber limbed" or any other description of her physical self, you've just made me reach in for the auto-no response button. I loathe this.

"Stunning physicist assassin" is almost as bad but at least there's hope she'll disfigure herself in the heat of battle.

I look for interesting compelling characters in every single book I take on. That means tell me what they DO, not what they look like.


Kitty said...

That means tell me what they DO, not what they look like.

Thank you! And while we're on the subject, as a reader I loathe lengthy descriptions. In fact, I'd prefer the writer had some faith in his/her readers and allow us to paint our own pictures of the characters. Verbosity kills a good story.


Katie Alender said...

And for the record, no woman over 29 is interested in reading about a protagonist who "looked younger than her 30 years".

Kitty said...

Amen, Katie!


Sean Ferrell said...

I'm curious: are these queries from men or women?

S.F.W. said...

Then again, how little is too little?

My Alpha readers constantly complain that I don't describe my characters enough