Sunday, December 23, 2007

Queries are done, done, done for the year!

I'm not sure I've ever been this close to actually being totally caught up. It's an AMAZING feeling! Buoyant in fact!

If you emailed a query, I've responded. If you didn't hear back from me, let me know and I'll resend it but I've heard back from almost everyone from whom I asked for further work.

If you MAILED a query, you'll be hearing shortly. All the SASEs are in the mail. If you mailed a query and I wanted more info, I emailed you.

If you've got work pending further reading, I emailed you.

If you have any questions, or you're not sure about something, drop me a line. Quickly though. This buoyant feeling means I'm probably floating away from my desk pretty soon.


Sandra Cormier said...

Aren't you supposed to be on your break? Go Home. Merry Christmas!

Janet Reid said...


Just a few last minute things before I dive head-first into the eggnog!

And now, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good ...novel!

Heidi Willis said...

Wow! Congrats! A great way to enter the holidays!

Thank you for all the time you spend on this blog. You are of infinite help, and I enjoy dropping by here every day.

Have a great Christmas!

Tena Russ said...

Turquoise gloves are here

Merry Christmas!

Kitty said...

"A Visit From St. Nicholas In The Ernest Hemingway Manner" by James Thurber



DeadlyAccurate said...

I hope your Christmas went well, and have a great New Year.

Mags said...

In the words of the super and duper Modest Mouse, float on!

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

some pixies dance,
and some pixies prance.

this pixie's at number 2
in a catagory other than romance.

i'm right behind mercedes lackey,
which is better than being in a zoo.

i'd yell yipee,
but i'd wake them up in france. Fantasy list as of this AM, Janet! Number 1 in reader approval, same catagory!