Thursday, October 11, 2007

Galleycat gives a nice big mention to Electric Church's cool ad campaign

Sci-Fi Novel's Marketing Campaign Idealized by Marketers
A few weeks back, the Adrants blog suggested that "if there's any category of marketer who has dramatically altered the way they market their product, it would be book publishers," specifically citing Orbit's campaign for The Electric Church, a debut novel by Jeff Somers (and one of the first books in the imprint's American launch) as an example of how "simple is more often than not all it takes to deliver a message." In this case, though, their idea of "simple" involved an interactive game embedded into the book's website.

Here's the rest of the article

and a very nice shot of three very very cool people: Jeff Somers the author, Devi Pillai, his amazing editor and Carolyn O'Keefe the publicity wrangler. Missing is sales star Alex Lencicki because he was taking the picture!

The only reason Jeff isn't holding a glass of really good beer (we were at Rocky Sullivan's after all!, is cause I screeched "hold a copy of the book, hold a copy of the book")


Sean Ferrell said...

Silly, Janet. You can't drink a book.

Mags said...

I use that trick to get free beer, too!

Anonymous said...

I love that guy. Everytime I get drunk and send him an e-mail, he writes me back.