Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Reasons I love my job #31

Agents love to be in the acknowledgement section of a book, that's no secret. Me too, of course.

But today I'm reading along in a client's novel and find a character named Janet described thus:

"I could tell she was the sort of coldhearted bitch
would never lose a moment's sleep over putting a bullet in my head".

ya baby!


DeadlyAccurate said...

They say that like it's a bad thing.

The Anti-Wife said...

Wow. Are we related?

Lynn Price said...

Couldn't be you; that character had a heart.

Sandra Cormier said...

Thank goodness that wasn't on the dedication page... or was it?

Janet Reid said...

no it wasn't but I'll suggest it before the final edit. It's actually in a manuscript just getting ready to be turned in.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

I'm pretty sure that Charles Dickens had me in mind when he wrote in Hard Times, chapter 13: "Oh, Rachael! Rachael!"

Well ... maybe not. But then, probably.

Janet Reid said...

wow, you're really well preserved for someone more than 150 years old.

Goat balm maybe?

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

goat's milk .... lots and lots of goat's milk!

We pixies live a long time.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Ten points if you can figure it out. Bill E. Goat can sing it:

Oes gafr eto, oes heb ei godro?
Ar y creigiau geirwon
Mae'r hen afr yn crwydro.
Gafr wen, wen, wen,
Ie fin wen, fin wen, fin wen,
Foel gynffon wen, foel gynffon wen,
Ystlys wen a chynffon,
Wen, wen, wen.

All pixies can count goats!

Sandra Cormier said...

It's something Welsh about a goat with a lot of blue stuff on it. I couldn't get the lyrics to come up in English.

Google is my friend.

Where do I put the ten points? On my butt?

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

if you wish ... but I don't see anything about being blue in those words. ... however the last verse of Counting the Goats (Cyfri'r Geifr) is a verse about a blue tinted goat. Bill E. Goat's comment on that is that the blue goat didn't have the sence God gave a rock and forgot to come in out of the cold.

So you get 5 points and a free head-butt from Bill E. Goat for finding something and at least another 5 points for being bored enough to look!

words in English and Welsh and a midi file are here:

Sandra Cormier said...

Gee, thanks.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Oh, dear … I think my teasing hurt your feelings. I wouldn't willingly hurt you for the world. I'm glad you played my game. I'm not belittling you, at least not on purpose. I'm sorry.

So, you get an additionaly 15 points for playing with an idiot pixie.

Sandra Cormier said...

Yay! I'll just skip the head-butt.

Maya Reynolds said...

I would love having a character like that named for me.

Hmmmm...who can I hit up to name a coldhearted bitch after me??? said...

I'm on the acknowledgments page of a book -- Tremolo: Cry of the Loon -- by Aaron Paul Lazar, and it is a special thrill.