Monday, September 04, 2023

Happy Labor Day


Oh good, it's a holiday. More time for petting me!


BJ Muntain said...

Hope you're having a lovely rest!

All of you. :)

Bonnie Shaljean said...

Right back atcha, Janet! Happy.... ummm... err... you have a choice between Lughnasadh (early August) or the Autumnal Equinox. But ANY time is good for petting a kitty.

Craig F said...

That little sweetie is going to be a well read and petted cat when she grows up.

Take care My Queen, it is good to see the occasional posting here, blogging seems to be falling apart for so many who try to be writers.

french sojourn said...

Envy the cats, for they have 9 lives to read, and me just the one.

John Davis Frain said...

Ahhhhh, Hank, it's good to hear you smile!

french sojourn said...

Back at you JDF!

NLiu said...

Hope you have a relaxing time! I want to be that bookshop cat.