Hi Janet,
Here's a pic of me (in the middle) with our Donna Everhart at Fox Tale Book Shoppe in Woodstock, GA. Along with Brenda McClain - author of ONE GOOD MAMA BONE.
Donna's book, THE ROAD TO BITTERSWEET, and Brenda's OGMB were selected along with several other titles for a Trio event, created by Sheri Smith of Working Title Farm.
One book is given to both a songwriter and a visual artist. They write a song and create a work of art inspired by the book, fulfilling their Trio. The reveal of art and music, and a short talk from each author was hosted by Fox Tale.
It was a super fun day. HUGS!
Donna, Melanie Sue, and Brenda |
I'm not sure how this got left in my Drafts file!
Well, ok, I do: I'm a sloth.
BUT it seems like maybe it was just hiding until the perfect day to post: Today!
Happy Easter to one and all.
For those of you Flash Fiction fiends,
do you follow @MicroflasFic on Twitter?
Talk about elegance, and understatement.

I'm not familiar with Brenda, but if she is half as wonderful as the other two ladies, then that is one incredible group of ladies.
Happy Easter to all, love Hank
Happy Easter!
The screenplay I'm working on now was inspired by Dolly Parton's song Family. It's a beautiful song, my favorite of hers.
What a great pic of wonderful ladies and, wow, those MicroFlashFics. So fresh.
A blessed Easter to all (our snow storm has just started here).
For all who celebrate, Happy Easter!
It's a gray, rainy morning, which will be changing over to snow tonight. Winter weather isn't finished with WI yet.
Had a wonderful video chat with family yesterday, including my 80-some-year-old mother. We're going to do it again next weekend, and it may become a routine thing. I felt so much better after that raucous conversation.
Back to my wip, until husband and I take a mid-morning break for some holiday pastry.
What a great picture! It's nice to be able to put a face to a name :)
Those MicroFlashFics, I had to read the first one twice before I understood where they were going. Beautiful.
A very blessed Resurrection Sunday to everyone here. It might not be what we're used to doing, but it's what the day is that's important.
Happy Easter. A time of renewal.
Love that pic, and love the idea of pairing books with music and art (or is it trioing?)
Happy Easter, all. Once the kids finish their treasure hunt, we plan on stuffing ourselves and taking a walk. Hope you and yours are well!
Oh, how nice...! (Our Donna is the one in red). And the Trio Event really is a cool concept. Interesting to see how each musician and each artist interpreted the books.
Husband Jim is on duty at the police department today. I shall be seeking moments of peace and calm out with the herd. I'm also going to sit on the porch and read. For fun.
Be well, everyone.
Three talented broads. Nice.
HAPPY EASTER to all who have chickens that lay colorful eggs. I always wondered, what do they feed their poultry to get all those wonderful colors. Then I realized that it must be those little colorful pills you buy in the store that you mix with white vinegar. I tried it but my chickens didn't like it.
Oh well. Where are my magic markers?
Happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it!
Happy Easter
The picture brings back good memories and sent me back to listen to Pam Tillis sing "She's the Pretty One" inspired by Donna Everhart's "The Road to Bittersweet."
Is this a beautiful song or what?:
Amazing Micro Flash Fiction entries.
They sound so real and honest. Inspired and inspiring.
Happy Easter! A reminder, just like those photos, that wonderful things happen.
Elegant writing always inspires me. I'm in the planning and outlining stage and CAN'T WAIT to get to the writing. But it's like putting off dinner for an extra couple hours to wait till the kids can join you ... tastes so much better when you dig in.
Merry Easter, y'all. Find time to write!
BIG thank you to Melanie for alerting me to this post. QOTKU said she's a sloth - well, I reckon I am too. My visits here have been about as sporadic as my ability to remember what day it is.
This brings back such GREAT memories.
Hank Bren McClain is a down to earth wonderful soul. Love her - and Melanie.
Joe Snoe Thank you for sharing the link to the song for THE ROAD TO BITTERSWEET!
If it weren't for Colin I wouldn't have my cheat code so that I could linkify it for everyone (hope this works - I haven't done this in ages!):
The Pretty One
Happy Easter, y'all. Now, in the words of Scout, "pass the damn ham."
Happy Easter everyone. Great picture.
Happy Easter! Happy Sunday! May some piece of joy (and chocolate) come your way today.
Love the photo so much <3
Happy Easter everybody!
Happy Easter to all who celebrate.
I think were it not for the internet and the connections we have managed to make here, we would all be going way more nuts. It's not a complete substitute for in person meet ups, but it helps.
Take care everyone!
Watch panda and cat videos. it helps!
Happy Easter. It is nice and sunny here today. They’d predicted rain. Our next door neighbors hid their plastic Easter eggs outside last night. The squirrels have been busy redistributing them around the neighborhood.
Just wow to the Micro Flash Fiction entries! And it was so great to see Reiders in the flesh (onscreen). We spent the morning playing Easter Bunny, delivering plants to all of our church members -- we are together in isolation, celebrating the resurrection. The snowstorm just adds to the fun -- we're well on our way to six inches and counting. To all who celebrate, have a blessed Easter season! And peace to all, whatever you celebrate!
Happy Easter! And I loved those flash stories. And the happy picture too. Hugs to all.
Late to the party but what a wonderful picture. Hope you all had a peaceful weekend.
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