The most fun thing on my to do list today is packing my saddlebag for a brief stay with Her Grace and Sleekness the Duchess of Yowl, commencing Wednesday.
I can't wait to see her!
I even created a
countdown clock for it.
"I am invisible." said Her Grace. "I don't know how you found me" |
What are you looking forward to this week?
Other than writing and paying bills -- that first of the month duty -- not much.
Geesh, I almost forget. Tomorrow morning I help count the church collection, and tomorrow night I'm attending a presentation on Angels and Demons.
I love that pic!
A week of no doctors (I hope) and paying bills as well because it's the end of the month. But today, BBCAmerica is running a Monty Python marathon in honor of their 50 year anniversary!
Big week coming up with a cross-state move. Before we go, we have oodles of yard work, interior cleaning and must find someone to take two double bookcases and an entertainment center out of the house. It is truly weird to me that they haven't sold. Please tell me it's not because people don't buy books any more.
It's fall so it's all about the food preservation. Applesauce, Apple jam, cherry pies and peach/blueberry pies to freeze, peach jam, raspberry jam this week. Then, if I have time, Carrots, celery, pumpkins, squash. There's probably more.
Adorable 3 y/o and I are off to a sleepover at the senior’s home, where we will visit her equally adorable 82 y/o Great Papa. He will fete her around the place like visiting royalty, possibly even letting her run the card-shuffler at his weekly poker game. Werther’s butterscotch candies will be consumed in excess and there will be many rides on electric wheelchairs.
RosannaM There are still people who read paper books :) I just bought an eight foot wide by eighty inch high bookshelf because I have the wall for it while tucking the back corner of my baby grand in the last couple feet. I looked forever.
I am most looking forward to that tail in the picture turning from scary snake into scary cat. And Friday. I look forward to Friday. It is going to be a long, work week, and I am going to be taking my query letter on head first. I have said it before, but I do believe the query and synopsis are harder to write than the book.
Offering prayers of gratitude. Our 13-year-old car quit working yesterday. I know our guardian angels have been working overtime because it died in our driveway and stopped an inch from the garage door. We called Triple A to get it towed to the shop and after hearing what happened, the driver said "I think I know what's wrong with it." A cable apparently came loose from the transmission. He fixed it right there in the driveway. Runs perfectly now.
And offering prayers of please help us find a new(er) car we can afford. The boys are car shopping this week. I'll drive whatever will get me to work, to church, and home.
And writing like mad to finish all my writing projects in various states of done-ness so they will hopefully start earning their keep.
Reading, Writing, Oreos…
In lieu of 1. a garden to do garden work in (Did I mention that gardening is a fairly uncommon hobby in the Bronx?), 2. the fun prospect of moving cross-state (Did I mention that I'm quite passionate about hating moving?), 3. a 3-year old to visit an 82-year old with (Did I mention that I told my kids not to have kids any time soon?!), I'm mainly looking forward to reading.
Last night I finished Sourcery by Terry Pratchett, which leaves me with the major task of figuring out whether I want to jump right into Wyrd Sisters (can't get enough of Pratchett at the moment), revisit Solaris by Stanislaw Lem (another one of my favorites), or if I'll finally undertake the massive 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (it's been on my list for a little while). Whichever way I'll decide to go, thanks to the suggestions of some of you fine folks out there in virtual land, I've gotten myself a copy of Steering the Craft by Ursula K. Le Guin, which I'll delve into alongside the winner of my little what-to-read-next competition.
I'm also looking forward to writing, in the hopes of being able to string together three or more words in a somewhat sensible fashion, with the intent of getting the hapless protagonist of my fancy space tale into even more trouble, so as to amuse, beguile, or perhaps even enlighten any future readers (presently myself).
It's a fine concept.
Alas, what usually happens is that I write the three trouble-inducing words and then find myself rather confused as to how to get the poor lad back out of said trouble. To solve this dilemma I quite often end up opening a pack of double-stuffed Oreos, while trying to think up that illusive fourth word which will surely make the previous three make sense.
Last but not least, I'm looking forward to looking backward and saying: "Hey, it could be much worse." (Although it'll sound more like: "Mh, hm phmm hmpf mhh hhfm." (Did I mention the Oreos?)
Ramona and I laid on the porch while I read The Nanny. What fun!
Looking forward to seeing my sister on Cape Cod next week. Not looking forward to waiting while she has a knee replacement.
Hoping to ride SpikeE down the Canal Path in Sandwich.
Sundays are for church and football. I said this to my father once to which he replied, "You must be from Texas."
Cheering for the game on the telly is only half of it. The other half involves tedious micromanagement of my fantasy football team. Somehow I defied conventional norms and am actually having a winning season.
Oh look, the halftime show.
My week was pleasantly busy and now involves a funeral of a very lovely 88-year-old friend. I will be present as best I can but I'll be very happy to see Friday arrive.
However...I look forward to spoof-filled morning readings as "Thumbs" moves into the paws of the Duchess's kingdom!
I’m sipping hot chocolate (there might be some Bailey’s involved) while I write the syllabus for a new study of INSPIRED by Rachel Held Evans. I’m alternating between tears of sorrow that we lost her so young and tears of gratitude that she left us with this generous, funny, challenging and deeply human book. My hot chocolate’s getting very salty.
I'm not anticipating anything, but the week just started. I'm sure that by Tuesday something will whomp me upside the head and get my attention. Find out then whether it is positive or negative.
You sure that's not an armadillo under that cover?
SP Bowers: if I give you my address, do you take orders? Sounds yummy.
I have 2 vacation days this week. Odds are I'll spend the majority of my time reading. Way more fun than housework!!
We've been having record-breaking heat here (94* F again today) and I'm looking forward to the cooler temps (mid-70s) that are forecast for next weekend. I so enjoy opening the windows and letting in the crisp cool air of fall. If it ever arrives.
I also hope we'll be reading a few stories here regarding royal feline shenanigans.
I suppose there are other things I'm looking forward to . . . but only because I'm not yet looking back on them. My To Do list is growing to disturbingly unmanageable proportions.
Going to see IT: Chapter 2 tonight.
Also have to fix the ride-on mower (belt came off yesterday) and finish mowing the orchard.
Will put some chook eggs in the incubator. Hopefully Roger has been doing a 'good job' and they'll all hatch.
But most importantly,hopefully getting feedback on my synopsis for Katherine's Consequence and then start querying.
Continue writing either Portia's Predicament or Penelope's Peril depending on my mood.
Oh and watching the Rugby World Cup. :)
Hearing back from an agent with a full who I plan to nudge.
Hoping to wrap up securing permissions and writing captions for the images for my forthcoming book on Dr. Mary Walker. Plus moving ahead with my next project.
Our friends are getting married at the end of the week, so that will be very fun! Also, we're taking Ulrike on the mini road trip, and she's related to the elderly Doberman that they rescued two years ago (two years? wowww) in a way that I can't easily recount so we just say they're distant cousins. A third Doberman will be present, a service dog who was, in turn, distantly (though more closely) related to Elka!
Also I'll be doing an editing and "does this make sense" pass on Run With the Hunted 2: [Subtitle Pending] and maybe-hopefully sending it to a Trusted Reader, so I'm definitely excited for that
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