Saturday, August 31, 2019



I’m taking it nice and slow on my query and first chapter revise, just like you suggested. I'm reading a lot, learning a lot, and to be honest, enjoying it a lot more than I usually do. It's funny how much you can enjoy a process if you take away that annoying false sense of urgency!

Then I saw your post about sending across pet pictures and thought there couldn't be a better way to let myself get distracted.

So here’s a picture of Hector. Also known as Hector the Inspector (self-explanatory), Hector Boley (Boley means Ball in Sinhalese. He bounces around. A lot), and Silly Little Muppet (because, well…).

He pretends to be afraid of staircases so I have to carry all 30 kgs of him downstairs every morning, but miraculously forgets this fear when we have company. Or he smells food.

He’s lined every crevice of our house with fur, and every inch of our hearts with love.

Hope you have a fantastic holiday!


JulieWeathers said...

Ah, do I understand lining the house with fur. Isn't he gorgeous, though? I love those dogs.

nightsmusic said...

He looks so serious, doesn't he? But I know how goofy they can be, I had one. Wonderful dogs and this is a beautiful picture. I also get the fur. You can pull it out in bunches when they shed.

Jenn Griffin said...

Handsome fellow!

Claire Bobrow said...

What a regal canine is Hector. Hard to believe he's silly sometimes, though I heartily approve :-)

Beth Carpenter said...

Beautiful boy. I once had two relatives of Hector's. Twice a year, they changed the color of the carpet to light gray as they shed their undercoats. Mine were fine with stairs but hated water to the point they wouldn't even cross a bridge over a creek.

Lennon Faris said...

No need for the gym when you have Hector! What a handsome boy!

AJ Blythe said...

Sounds like Hector has trained you well!

MandyBob said...

Hector's mum here. Don't let the calm, regal picture fool you. He's only like that 5% of the time. But yes, I definitely don't need the gym, and am certainly glad I splurged on a good vacuum cleaner 😂

Jennifer R. Donohue said...

oh that FACE! Hello Hector!

So many of my dog pictures are a blur, and it isn't always the fault of my terrible photography. I can only assume that's also the case with Hector!

Gingermollymarilyn said...

What personality on that gorgeous face!