A friend of mine just oh-so-casually mentioned they were experiencing a cold snap in her town.
Temps were in the 50s!
Bring out the sweaters!
I had but one response of course:
It's raining ice here right now.
(or is as I write this at 11:37pm on Sunday night.)
Fortunately I have some good client writing to keep me company.
Tomorrow is a holiday of sorts.
My regular Monday client calls are all on schedule.
Writers don't really take that holiday stuff to heart!
What are you doing today?
Besides envying our warmer friends?
I am one of your warmer friends. A bit too warm tbh, as it was somewhere north of 30C/85F here today.
Right now, I'm about to eat an ice lolly, and wrangle an action scene that I have procrastinated over all day. I've even rebuilt a large chunk of the rathaus (home to the rodent horde of cuteness and gnawing) to avoid it. They are now boinging excitedly and choosing what to chew next.
Meanwhile I am holed up in an office while it's 14°C (57°F) outside in Amsterdam for the 4th day in a row...
Here's to a great new week, everyone. Stay warm and well-read!
"What are you doing today?"
Like sugar on a shortbread a light dusting of snow overnight has sweetened the neighborhood. Building a fire in the woodstove, making soup later, writing, writing, writing, life is good on the CT shoreline. Oh, and I'm taking a nap later. Naps...life's greatest invention.
Writing today and feeling bad about my first two chapters. Sigh. But I have a new grandson. Yay!
It'll be somewhere in the 20s today, with several inches of new snow that fell throughout yesterday.
The school district is off today so I am doing my main thing. Writing. Revising. And writing. And more writing. It is raining here but we're only in mid-40s. So none of that ice stuff. But perfect sweater weather.
Made it to the day job -- snow and ice be damned! Today's plan is to sneak some time to finish up my query. Just need to add comps and touch up the bio. If I can get that done, I'll consider today a success.
Kitty It's President's Day. :>)
This past weekend was as dreary as a can of flat gray paint. (painted any walls lately Janet?) Matter of fact, yesterday looked like nature had taken that can of paint and coated the sky. The cloud ceiling was low, dark and heavy. I love those kind of days - if I don't have to be anywhere.
What I'm doing today? Hanging out on the internet but shortly I'm goint to get into creating a Reader's Guide list of questions. And editing. And rolling around ideas for the next project.
Enjoy your time off today!
It's 42 degrees in San Francisco. That's chilly around these parts. But if it makes you feel better, Janet, we had some hail last week :-)
Our Japanese maple thinks it's fall and is sporting full-on autumn color for the second time in 6 months.
Working on my sequel and wondering if I should nudge a reviewer who asked for a copy of Book 1 a month ago.
Today I will be teaching four five-year-olds how to ski—or trying to. It will be chaos. Hopefully it stays cold because I need some ski days for me while all the snow is still deep and fluffy.
I forgot to say what I was doing (other than trying to wake up). I'm drinking tea and reading picture books to get my brain in gear, then I'll be tangling with revisions on one of my own. I made slow, grinding progress last week. Hoping to continue the trend.
We've got a nice picturesque tiny flake snow falling, after it being almost 40 yesterday, in the 20's the day before, and in the 50's the day before. Our walks have become infrequent, less because of the temperature and more because of the ice skating rink nature of the sidewalks; the snow melts a little, can go nowhere but the concrete, freezes again, rinse, repeat.
Ulrike really really likes the snow, though, even after the fluffy stuff freezes on top. She stomps the frozen crust so that it comes apart into layers of hard and crunch/soft and fluffy, and eats them like a snow candy bar.
I've got a short story that I'm working on; I've got the pieces for it, just figuring out how I want them to go together, timing, etc. AND, I had a reprint go live yesterday. You can now listen to my short story "Sugar and Spice" on The Overcast. It originally appeared on The Sockdolager, which has now sadly closed its doors. It contains witches, a very good dog, and a lesson in manners.
It's 70 degrees and I'm at work helping women deliver babies
Snow and zero degrees F here. With our 4 wheel drive in the shop I have to use the civic (very old, over 25oK miles) to take the kids to music. I think I can get out to public/plowed roads without going over the edge but I'm not sure I can get back up the hill to come home. We'll see. If needed send search party to Colorado Rockies.
Well, let's see...six inches of snow yesterday and still falling today. Nineteen degrees out. I couldn't get down or better yet, back up the driveway if I had to. And I'm just waiting for hubs to come home so we can go see a hand surgeon. Yes...dumbass that he is, he punched the nightstand late Thursday night and has a bad Boxer's Fracture as a reward. And no, I was not involved in any way with the punching incident. But he keeps repeating...if there was that one, small, brief moment in time that you could take back...
Snow day today. The kids are home from school again. The plow just came through so I get to go dig out the end of the driveway. It’s 20 degrees here.
I’ve been working on my synopsis and finally got it down to 2 pages single spaced. I’m even pretty happy with it, but if I need to make it much shorter it’s going to stop making sense.
30 and snowing in northern Arizona. :/ not exactly warm but definitely warmer than some.
I love capturing images of animals sticking out their tongues. I just posted one on Twitter of Dragon (a mini gelding). Hilarious.
We're enjoying brilliant blue skies and perfect temps here in middle GA. A news crew from Augusta is coming out to the sanctuary later today to do a story about our work here. Coming up on nearly 30 years of equine rescue! I suppose I should brush my hair and change into a shirt that isn't covered in horse slobber stains.
Beautiful blue skies here but only 5F. I'm so glad for a couple days to not shovel before the snow belts us a good one again on Wednesday. And the squirrels (6 of 'em) are frisking around the oak tree and checking out the rabbit paths. They still disappear from view!
I still haven't decided if I'm revising various places in my story or completely rewriting chapter. Time for a beautiful fatty diluted-caffeine hot drink and get at 'er.
@SP Bowers --How much did you get last night? I'm in Conifer, and only got an inch or two. Mountain roads with two-wheel drive is no fun -- be careful.
As for Janet's question, I'm trying to put together a writers' group, which is a lot tougher than I thought. So many questions about venues and topics and ranges of discussion that it has me rethinking the whole thing. Anyone have advice?
It was around 70F with 84% humidity when I woke. Slapped me upside the head like the first day of summer usually does, though the first day of summer is different here.
Wanting to seal up the stand up board, but the humidity will do strange things to the epoxy. Probably put it off until tomorrow.
Doing the two step with a synopsis, one step forward, two steps back. Submitted two more queries to those who don't want a synopsis at the get go.
Laying out the plot for the next'un
It's my birthday and I'm in LA for the launch of my network's new studio.
-27C here, so, it’s a good day to stay by the fire. I’m finishing up a beta. The Power of the Dog by Donn Winslow is beckoning.
Recovering after the San Francisco Writers Conference. It was raining ice a bit on my drive home, which is unusual for California. Also, there was a slight earthquake when I spent the night in Napa on Saturday night. Haven't felt one of those in awhile.
And Happy Birthday Sherin!
A little research and revising this afternoon, later my second go at Pickleball.
P.S. - Spring is arriving The green, green weeds of Spring have sprouted, as have a few blooms. Temperature highs are expected to be in the 60s and 70s beginning Wednesday (but rain every day the rest of the week!)
@Melanie Sue Bowles, keep the horse-slobber shirt on. Nothing beats authenticity, and that says it better than any words. It's a prime example of SHOW, don't TELL! Have fun with the news crew.
@Matt Adams, re: writing groups: I'm critiquing this afternoon for our Tuesday group. It's tough getting started, but it's so worth it when you get a good group. I have found that, despite people being at different stages of their writing, they often have wonderful thoughts and abilities on critiquing. So don't rule anyone out too quickly. Another thing that may seem counter-intuitive, is that it works well to get different genre representation. People may not know all the genre conventions, but adjust your expectations so that doesn't bother you but instead let it make you think in a new direction. Be polite, because then it's okay to be harsh later in the same chapter.
Good luck. Writing groups are fantastic. Best part of my week most weeks.
Melanie and Sherin's day sounds much more fun than mine.
Happy birthday, Sherin!
Mama Mel, get ready for your close-up:)
Matt Adams - go for it! writing groups are fun as long as there's a strong creative leader.
I'm in the thick of rewriting since Saturday but I was able to squeeze in a book, "Pretend I'm Dead" by Jen Beagin. Loved it. Quick wonderful read.
Also I'm pleased to announce that I will give birth to a baby blog next weekend.
I just was released from solitary confinement, due to the snow and ice slides that my road on a big hill becomes with the least bit of snow. At least this time, we had a day's warning before the snow hit to invade the grocery store to stock up for the siege. People make fun of us in the Pac NW for absolutely pissing ourselves when it snows, but the combination of slightly above freezing in the daytime and well below freezing at night make for the most dastardly road conditions. Nothing like a solid layer of ice under fresh snow or slush.
Having been self-employed for over 30 years now, all I have to say about today's "holiday" is that it is Monday as usual. What's a paid holiday?
Happy Birthday, Sherin!
Around here February usually means Spring and temps in the 60's that start inching into the 70's and 80's by the end of the month. Today? SNOW! On three fourths of the surrounding mountains AND predictions of more on Thursday plus temps barely hitting 50 at best.
Seriously, when am I going to be able to put my sandals and shorts back on and am I going to have to actually buy a coat?
Thank you for the birthdays wishes, everyone! It's so nice to come back and read them. I'm grinning.
"regular Monday client calls"
Recoiling in horror at the thought of anyone calling me every Monday. Other than that, doing nothing productive. Now that it's my decision to make, I don't (usually) work on Mondays.
Happy Birthday, Sherin! I love how you say "launch of my network's new studio" like it's no big deal. :) Hope it's going well.
Good luck with the interview, Melanie! Post a link once it airs?
And same to you with the writers' group, Matt. A few of us here are in a FB group, if you decide a virtual space might be an alternative. We're not exactly "organized," but we're supportive.
It's been in the 50's here lately, but it's the -50's. And no, I'm not kidding.
Matt Adams We live near conifer. We only got four inches but live on a road that doesn't get plowed and our civic is just that bad. We all survived. Had to park below and walk up to the house but that's just good exercise.
Thanks for sharing, its very helpful.
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