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Yoda! |
This majestic creature is my 11 year old mini bull terrier Yoda. When Yoda is not on his throne (my reading nook) he can be found head butting anyone sitting until they welcome him onto their lap and cover him lightly with a blanket.
It's 6 in NYC
It's NEGATIVE 17 at Barbara Poelle's house.
What are you doing on this cold winter day?
We've been at the other end of the scale - hovering around the 104'F (40'C) mark for most of summer. Can't imagine those temps though (usually doesn't get much below 17'F (-8'C) here in winter).
Ooops, meant to say, Yoda only needs a pipe and a deerstalker and he'd make the cover of any good detective novel =)
Love bull terriers. Had one called Brutus growing up.
-17 here in upstate New York.
I think I'm on the other side of Oz to AJ, but it was 37C here today. I had to set up the cage top air con systems for the rats (aka frozen bottles under upturned washing up bowls). Then they all went to sleep in a giant hot heap squashed in a drainpipe because they are furry numpties.
JeffO, where I live in upstate NY it's -7*, but it feels like -22*. The cat is stretched out on the marble slab on the radiator.
It's supposed to be 62 F here in Florida today. And I promise you, I WILL see people walking around in puffer coats...
Stay warm and safe, everyone!
Worrying about my daughter getting to work. She is in Brooklyn and commutes into the city. And like our queen said, it is 6 degrees in New York. What is that?
My daughter's roommates were supposed to go to Chicago but their gig was cancelled because it is like -50 (negative - Celsius and Fahrenheit meeting is bad) and too cold for the trains or some such.
It's a balmy 27 here in the South so we're good. You guys in the sub-arctic temps - just don't feed the White Walkers. Ugh. Please stay warm. Do not go outside if you can possibly avoid it.
I won't torture y'all too much. I live in Fla for a reason.
My hair was still a little damp from the shower. In the time it took to walk to my driveway to start up my car this morning, my hair froze. And that's with it only being 0 degrees in Massachusetts. I was in -35 in the last polar vortex (with a broken jacket zipper!). That hurt. I'll take a roasty toasty 0 any day by comparison. Stay safe all you in the negatives.
In WI, we're aspiring to 6 degrees by the end of the day. Right now the temperature is -26. I can't even bear to look at the wind chill. My study became too cold to work in yesterday so I've relocated to the dining room until tomorrow. Frost has formed on the inside of our sliding glass doors.
I love how cozy Yoda looks.
It's freezing here in Birmingham. 28 degrees at 6:30 a.m.. Expected to reach 54 degrees and sunny this afternoon, highs to be back in the 60s come Friday, but lows won't be up in the 50s till Sunday.
We were supposed to have gotten snow Tuesday but we didn't; and there I was left holding my sled with no place to go.
It's looking promising for tennis Saturday morning (fingers crossed).
Check out this video: blowing soap bubbles in freezing weather
It's mid-60s here in AZ. I shipped some close family back to WI on Sunday though, just in time for them to enjoy -21 (with a feels like -51 windchill).
For the most part, they have off of work or are working remotely.
I, however, am off to the day job per usual.
Today is the first of five straight days of rain. High temps range from 56-60 degrees. We need the rain but not this much this fast. Evacuations are ordered for the burn areas.
I had a court hearing scheduled for this morning in downtown Los Angeles, but thankfully the clerk called yesterday and had to reschedule it. In the rain, that would have been a three hour commute, one way.
So now the commute to my office will only require about 90 minutes, which is longer than usual but not three hours. I might actually get there before I have to use the restroom. Yes, I've memorized which freeway off-ramps between my house and downtown LA lead to Home Depot stores [open at 6am] in case I need to use a restroom before I can get downtown on bad traffic days. These things are important when you live in SoCal =)
I'd love to be Yoda today - inside on a comfy chair with a fluffy blanket. Give him a hug for me.
Cozy Yoda. Lucky guy.
I'm in MN. Temps are -29F and "feels" like -29. Yay for small mercies. No wind chills today. No frozen water pipes. (whoops, best not say that until tomorrow.) No need to go outside today.
-31C here, -41C with the windchill. Google tells me that's -24F, feels like -44F.
Good ol' Winnipeg.
Happy Thursday everyone!
I'm using this freezing weather (technically at 33 degrees not freezing but close enough) to dig out a bathrobe I haven't worn in decades. Such fun!
Knee deep in grandchildren at 1F and -5 wind chill. Baby Shark do do do do do... parents and grand parents will know that song well.
Adorable Yoda! We’re having our second day of school closings in Kentucky today—I think we may be up to 8 degrees at 9am. I’m cold even in my toasty warm house.
I have my first Read Aloud Day visits today by Skype. I was invited to read my picture book to kids in New York, Texas, and Uzbekistan. And I have a live visit tomorrow if the schools are open. It’s been amazing to start getting invitations as an author instead of begging to walk in the door! And my second book arrived yesterday. It was work-for-hire, but still amazing to get it.
What am I doing on this cold winter day? Trying to warm up! I just got back from a month holiday in South America. Blue skies and balmy weather (27°C - 80°F) at the sidewalk cafés in Buenos Aires. Then after several weeks we headed north to Rio, sun and sandy beaches in Copacabana and Ipanema (33°C - 92°F). So imagine when we arrived back to snow in Paris. Our apartment feels like it's freezing even though we left the heat on low. Right now it's 2°C - 35°F outside and more snow is forecasted for this evening. I would head back to BA if it wasn't a 14 hour long flight!
Not to gloat, but at home in Montana on the lap of the Rockies it's going to be in the forties today with copious amounts of sunshine, and here on the warm side of South Dakota where I'm meeting and greeting readers for a couple of days at Rodeo Rapid City, it's supposed to be almost fifty for the next two days.
Yes, Floridians, that is considered warm in January.
Geez, minus 31 in Winnipeg and 104 in Australia. Here in San Francisco it's 52, with a bit of rain passing through.
Our oldest goes to college in Minnesota, where's it's currently minus 25. The novelty of the situation hasn't worn off, thankfully. Yesterday she sent us the obligatory "look at me throwing boiling water in the air to make snow" video :-)
Yesterday the high was 74 but the humidity was only 35%, so it didn't feel as miserably hot as it sounds.
Bright and sunny of course so my first thought was oh it can't be that cold! Opened the balcony door.
Closed the balcony door.
Bopped self on head for ever thinking that was a good idea!
It's a lovely 6.
Wind chill puts it to minus 13.
Here in the wilds of uptown Butte, Montana it's 35. PLUS 35.
It's -15 C. (5 F.) here in Southern Ontario. But since I don't have to go out and the sunshine is pouring in our big south window, it's not so bad. Ice crystals sparking on the windowpanes, blue sky, but far too much snow on the ground.
It's 44 right now in Southern New Mexico with a high of 69 expected. I left New England for a reason!
Yoda looks soooo cozy. Perfect day for just reading all day. Meanwhile here, back to the day job. Sigh.
Handsome Yoda looks comfy. And I love the feet on his throne.
Twelve degrees here in currently sunny Delaware. I've been looking out the window, studying where the light and shadows fall, trying to decide where I'll plant my peas.
It was -15 when I got up this morning in sunny SE Michigan. It's currently -9 with a wind chill of -28. Yesterday, we had a natural gas explosion that services our area and have all been asked to dial down to 65 on our thermostats. You can't believe the amount of complaints and grousing! I am blessed I have a thermostat to turn down.
Yoda is absolutely adorable!!
I got more editing completed on my WIP yesterday than I have in the past two months. Bring on more cold and more cancellations--I'm loving the free time. (Until the mortgage comes due, and I'll wish some of those cancellations hadn't happened.)
They say we're supposed to break out of the single digits later today, but I'll believe it when my radiators take a five-minute break.
It's 42 in Arizona high country, expected high of 59. I'm feeling smart to be here instead of home in Anchorage, not because of the cold but because it's too warm there. The melting and freezing cycles are an icy mess. Hang in there, everyone. Layers are your friend.
Not that cold here (south coast of Ireland), but it's a rainy, cozy, stay-inside sort of day - so I'm doing what I do, no matter what the temperature is: drinking gallons of green tea and BUYING TOO MANY BOOKS. And in between my book-binge bouts, writing a 5000+ word nonfiction piece for a Scottish historical website. So I go online to look something up, get interested, decide I want to read more about it, buy the ebook or order a hard copy, rinse & repeat. The writing and the reading tend to reinforce each other, so it's an endless cycle. Till the Visa bill comes, anyway.
Not bad here -12C but it’s dropping. We are told to expect highs of -28C this weekend. I don’t know if I like weather reports. Surely, in this case, ignorance would be bliss.
Kitty: Thanks for the link to the bubble video. I went outside and tried it, but I guess it's not cold enough here. But still, bubbles!
Sherry: Invited readings! To kids! Must be a dream come true. I'm so happy for you.
Well, in Vancouver today it's +6C (about 43F) which is a little chillier than I like but I'll take it. I'm not gloating, though, because when I looked up the temperature I saw that the polar vortex is shifting - moving west - and expected to descend onto BC next week. By Sunday it'll be below freezing, which is very cold in my little apartment because the people who built this place had never heard of insulation and I have non-stop floor-to-ceiling single-paned glass all across the living room.
The coldest I've ever been was a wind-chill of -67. I was standing by the side of the road in boots, a puffy coat, and nylons and a dress, as somebody was supposed to stop off and pick me up to take me to work. They forgot. I roosted by the side of the road for an hour before I gave up. It was 1977 and I can still feel it.
61 now in Central Florida. It was in the 40's last night at rehearsal and this morning.
My condolences to cold weather people. We did our time in New York, Maine, Alaska, Colorado, and Canada.
0°C in my world over here in England. What is it in °F? Well, it's just when water freezes - I walked past a frozen puddle earlier. Just one. No snow :(.
They keep promising snow but all I see through my windows is green. Lots and lots of moss. Even on those cute clay pot chimneys.
A severe weather warning is in place for tonight - HEAVY snow, it says. The map of England says 5 centimeters or so (don't ask me about inches, miles, ounces, stones or driving on the left hand side, okay ;) - I don't know these!)
5cm - heavy snow? I keep smiling... but hope for it :).
Here in NC it's currently 33*F with a bright blue sunny sky. Gorgeous day! Perfect for writing . . . once I move the cat over a wee bit so my arms are free. We'll be back up close to 70* next week, no complaints here.
I've been fielding text messages from my siblings in MN (where things are crunchy frozen) who are SO BORED due to everything being closed and them having to stay inside. Poor dears. I've been reminding them of all the times growing up that we went ice skating when it was in the negative 25-30* range.
Yoda looks so comfy. It's really nice of Cookie Monster to snuggle up with him like that. I can't stop looking at the piece of metal/stone (?) in the lower left corner. What IS that? It's fascinating.
4 degrees in Cleveland, Ohio. It was colder yesterday but didn't stop the wife and me from going to the library and the bar for beer and potato skins. I've been through worse in the realm of Yupperville of the Great White North. I'm working today to keep my machinery from freezing up. It'll be in the fifties by next week, now that's balmy!
The temperature has zoomed up to -8, with the wind chill at -20. That means it's possible to go outside!
Unseasonal high of 53F in Portland today . . . and we also have a measles outbreak to go with the sun.
It was -10F when I left for work this morning and 1F when I drove home here in Ohio. I don't even want to think about the wind chill. It's supposed to be up to 50F by Monday and I feel like it's going to hit me like a train.
a balmy 0 degrees F in Detroit. although I have been off work for three days straight days, all paid (full disclosure: I am not a teacher) i am trying to manufacture an excuse to take Friday off. the polar vortex made me lazy *shrugs*
Hosting a writers' immersion in Florida. Friends from Washington State, Colorado and Minnesota made it. Wonderful 60's here, and we're working on our WIPs.
Yes, Australia is undergoing a record-breaking heatwave. Tasmania burned down because of it. Native fauna are dying in droves because of it.
The weather patterns are driving this. The same weather patterns did something really strange last week and brought a winter storm to Perth. The temps dipped to 14C (which is winter temps for us) as the rain washed through. While it was quite a change from the 40C we had two days prior, I do not like winter, even if it's for a single day in the middle of summer.
Reading all these comments brought back memories of one particular winter when I was growing up in Idaho. I got up and ready for school then stepped out on our back porch where there was a thermometer on the wall by the door. As I stepped out side, all bundled up for the quarter mile walk down our driveway to the bus stop, I noticed that the whole world outside looked like it was crystal. Like if I moved or breathed it would all shatter. It was crystal clear and beautiful. I then glanced at the thermometer. There was no red showing at all. I went back in the house and turned on the radio. All schools closed due to temps of -55F. (We actually had several days of no school, but the other days the temps were -52F and -53F.) But around here, I've been thinking about getting my sandals back out. January is officially over so Winter is past now. By the end of February our lows should be in the 60 's.
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