My requested fulls are so numerous, I'm too mortified to request anything new since I'm so behind with what I've got.
To assist on focusing my eyeballs on those mss, I'm going to step away from blog posting for nine whole days. (June 30-July 8)
I know. I'll be in withdrawal too.
BUT, let's not go dark here. If I can post content ahead of time that is more fun focused, reader focused, I'd like to do so. In August 2016, we did pet pictures. We can certainly do that again, but I thought I'd ask for input here.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment column.
And for your Sunday amusement, here is the latest from Her Grace, The Duchess of Yowl
DoY: Leave the door unlocked when you abandon me today.
Me: I'm not abandoning you, I'm going to work! And I'm not leaving the door unlocked.
DoY: I know you're worried someone might steal me while you're off indulging your filthy employment fetish.
Me: Yes, that's it exactly. But, why do you want the door left unlocked?
DoY: The photographer is coming today.
Me: Your grace, why is a photographer coming today?
DoY: I need headshots.
Me: You need headshots.
DoY: Casting agents sounded skeptical when I informed them I am the most beautiful cat in the world.
Me: What kind of theatrical work are you thinking of doing, Your Grace?
DoY: I will let them feature me in cat food commercials.
Me: You know the food in those cat food commercials isn't real, right?
DoY: I will let them feature me in Animal Planet commercials.
Me: You really aren't a major predator.
DoY: Tell that to your curtains.
Me: I'll leave the door open.
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Her Grace, The Duchess of Yowl |
I’m looking to redecorate my office sometime this summer in the hopes that a freshened space will make me more productive (the irony of procrastinating for the intent of being more productive). I’d love to get a sneak peek of everyone’s writing spaces if that’s on the table.
Happy reading retreat!
For those who have readers willing to read their scripts, how & where did you find them? Were they strangers at first or friends or a combination of both?
Vacation pics, perhaps writing related somehow? I rarely have vacations, but I've been taking photos here in NYC, and I'm sure some will be writing related somehow. I'm here until Tuesday, so I can search out some cool writing-related East Village pics. :-)
Also, if anyone is interested in Manhattan history, I just bought a great book at the New-York Historical Society Museum: The Bowery Boys Adventures in Old New York: an unconventional exploration of Manhattan's historic neighborhoods, secret spots and colorful characters, by Greg Young and Tom Meyers, based on their Bowery Boys podcast.
Yes. We could have featured guest writers. Although if all goes well, I will be at the beach the first week of July with my daughter who might be moving home. Maybe.
But if 9 Reiders could guest blog based on their writing journey that could be fun. Pictures of our various writing spaces is good as well.
As my birthday falls within that 9-day time-frame I vote we spend the entire time celebrating my existence. There should be cake and booze and a grand hullaballoo. Oh, and for a present, I could send someone to Carkoon for a day! ;)
But really, I think I would love to hear about/ see some of my fellow Reef dwellers' favorite bookstores. A certain Panda shared the story of their local store with me on twitter after I shared how my town recently lost one of its last remaining bookstores (the indie store I used to go to). So now I am really curious to hear about everyone's favorite book digs.
I also like Susan's idea of writing spaces.
Nine days, nine questions.
Silly, serious or stupid, ask and we shall answer.
I don't have any pets, so I like Susan's idea if sharing our writing space.
Or maybe something in nature that inspires your writing. I live at the foothills of the Franklin Mountains. Though I can't see them from my writing space, their beauty gives me all the feels on a daily basis.
@Kitty - I have some readers from this blog I've connected with in my genre. Twitter offers some options like #CPMatch. My sisters and friend are indie authors, and they give me the bulk of my feedback. That's my 2 cents.
MEGAN V. I love your guest writer idea.
Hand up, me, me, pick me.
>>I'll be in withdrawl too.
Is this the New York [or more likely, Texas] version of withdrawal?
Re 9 days of “hiatus”, what about pets that are non-standard [not dogs or cats]? Or post a category/genre [like adult thriller, YA historical, MG adventure, etc] and we can comment on relevant books that we've read, want to read, or are writing. Or ask us a silly question each day like “who has done some writing in a Starbucks” or “who has parts of a ms written on a napkin.”
May I also suggest that you read and/or get caught up on queries. The left side of your blog says you are current through 8/17/17, which is almost a year ago.
Kitty – I met several people from my local writer support group. The others I “met” here on the blog by sending them emails asking if they were interested in a CP or beta reader.
Since my birthday is tomorrow, you have to listen to me.
Day 1: Hobbies, how do you decompress
2: Conducive writing spaces
3: Genre(s)
4: Vacation ideals
5: Favorite charities, volunteer efforts
6: Food
7: Alcohol
8: Favorite or hated veggies
9: MSWL for Reiders
Last year I think the pet pix call came out a week early and gave you time to sort them. So, no pix this year. Besides, their are always too many pix and someone feels left out.
Have a happy holiday, folks
I like the nine days nine questions idea.
What’s the best thing you learned on the reef?
How long have you been trolling and why do you keep coming back?
What is your genre and why?
How many WIP’s do you have?
What’s your favourite cure for writer’s block?
How long have you been writing?
Has a ‘real’ job ever interfered with your writing?
Dogs vs cats?
Are your relatives encouraging?
Skip that last one-too many tears!
Then, of course:
List 10 reasons why Janet should choose BrendaLynn’s ms out of the heap.
Like 2Ns, I love Megan V's guest post idea. *Also raises hand*
I like the 9 days, 9 questions idea also.
9 days 9 questions - love that idea. Very good.
I like nine days, nine questions, too. BrendaLynn has some good examples, and Craig F's list is also intriguing. We can learn more about reef dwellers and get some writing inspiration.
9 Days, 9 Contests. All results posted on day 10 :P
(Ducks many flung objects) err... 9 questions, or 9 guest posts, 9 odd photos to trigger "what's the story behind this" or some other flash piece inspired by the picture in the comments. Not a contest, just for the fun of the comment readers?
Or just a countdown and the last day says "blast off"?
BrendaLynn, I'd like to hear about, "Has a real job ever NOT interfered with your writing?" How, how, how?
As for non-traditional pets, there are 13 chickens living in my suburban dining room. They stink. Literally. Hopefully, they're moving outside today.
Well, I'm an outlier here but I vote you take that nine days to read and relax and let the blog take a breather. We'll all still be here waiting when you return. Some may be more in withdrawal than others, but we'll be here.
Let's all go visit Melanie Sue Bowles' ranch! Janet too, of course - we know better than to interrupt reading!
I also like learning more about the Reiders. Always fun.
Each day a different genre/category for favorite blog reader reads. Anything from "best book to read on a train" to "favorite picture book" to "the classic you've always felt you should have read but haven't yet."
I would love to see guest posts from other agents. Or I would also love to see them from published or soon-to-be-published authors.
It could potentially be a Q&A series with a rotation of people who all answer the same questions posed by blog readers.
A while back ago, there was a map where Reiders could put a pin in their hometown. I was blown away from by the amount of places that people were from, and knowing how different life can be even from one end of town to another, I couldn’t help wondering what y’all’s lives were like compared to mine. So maybe 9 photos of ordinary things- views on the way to work, grandma’s cutting board, the hummingbird nest in the backyard- that would be extraordinary sights for anyone else.
Maybe instead of setting a category for pictures, just send in the picture that you WANT to, and there can be different categories of pictures each day (pets, nature, writing spaces, vacations, slice of life...).
Guest posts by 9 of Janet's stable of authors detailing their journey to publication and their top tip/s for those of us still trying to snare an agent.
Party at Proud Spirit...! I love it, Crow Girl.
And I love learning more about the writing journey of we Reiders. Whatever y'all decide, I'm in.
Photo Mad Libs. :)
We all tweet a book cover of the book we're reading. If we've read enough into it, maybe we write a short review.
I like Forti's: "9 odd photos to trigger; "What's the story behind this?"
Sort of a do-it-yourself "flash fiction". Best (or most votes) gets posted on the last day
Or best AND WORSE writing places... sometimes they are the same place ;)
I love the idea of photos everyone's writing spaces. Also stories of our favorite bookstores. Although anything photo based means Janet has to go through them, curate and post. Maybe the idea someone wrote of 9 questions or 9 daily topics and we can talk amongst ourselves in the comments.
Anyway, happy beginning of summer (almost)!
One of the questions should be asking us all to post a "darling" we've recently murdered, or an orphan that has no place in our WIP. One just popped into my head: "Turns out, it's very easy to get a visa revoked. It makes a great end to a cocktail story, not a great end to a love story."
Which is actually why I hopped on. I was checking to see if there was a Memorial Day contest I could use this as a jumping-off point for.
I'm still super into pet pictures, so always think that's a grand idea!
Writing space pictures is also a fun idea; maybe it'll give me the inspiration/kick in the rear that I need to get my office cleaned/usable again so I'm not just laptop-camping on the couch with the dog.
Author guest posts are always cool.
What we cook when we don't have the time/inclination to tear ourselves away from writing to make meals is my brainstorm (I don't think I saw it commented elsewhere?)
So many good ideas! I like them all.
How helpful.
Oh my, what a picture. She looks more like a Wyoming cougar than a royal cat. Are you sure JR you know what you are babysitting???!
And my year just got frightfully full of forestry work the last 5 months. I am literally living in the woods. So anything you choose to do, I will stop by and visit and enjoy, as usual! Thank you JR for being consistent when the life of a writer isn't!
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