Monday, January 23, 2017

Monday blog post is AWOL

What do you mean, there is no post on the blog this morning??

(contest results later today!)


  1. Been a little busy lately, Ms. Sharky? It happens, especially when your job is to make dreams come true. :)


  2. Don't stress about it. Heaven knows you're one busy shark.

  3. Does the DoY still hold you hostage?

  4. That's okay - I think a lot of us are AWOL today.

  5. I pray our sharkly queen is merely busy and not ill nor being held hostage by the notorious Duchess of Yowl.

  6. This is what I love about writers! Even when there's nothing to comment on, we still have something to say. Happy dreary Monday everyone. I think another pot of coffee is in order today...

  7. Take your time and do what you must! We'll keep swimming here at the reef...

    Read yesterday's comments--I hope everyone is staying safe from what seems like terrible weather. We have 22mph winds right now in Pennsylvania. I'm cuddled up in bed under a quilt with one dog in the crook of my legs and the other nestled in blankets on his bed, all of us listening to the wind gust across the roof. In a second, I'll get out my laptop and start writing--I feel a surge of inspiration that's been lacking lately--but right now, I'm content to daydream new scenes into existence.

    Oh, the magic of writing.

  8. It's a cold, lazy rainy day here, too. I don't usually let the kiddos watch movies on a weekday, but I made an exception today. We're all watching Rudolph (the old animated version) here.

    Happy writing (or hostaging?) everyone!

  9. Feel better soon, Janet. I don't know if you're ill or just tired, but I hope it passes and you're your happy, bustling self again. Rest all you need!

    It's a balmy -8C (-18F) here. Looks to be a beautiful day, with some snow flurries. (Flurries generally means snow being blown around and looking like much more than it is.) And yes, that's balmy. Two weeks ago, it was -40 here. Normal temps for January are about halfway between those. But this is Saskatchewan - there's no such thing as normal temps (or normal weather). Here, 'normal' is a mean, not an average.

  10. Yes, there were plenty of stressors to go around this past weekend. Hope everyone was able to get those they could sorted and put away. Some of them are going to take four years to be resolved.

    Stay optimistic and write high when the world goes low.

  11. And I'll place my bet on Michael Seese this week. It might mean nothing though, sharks swim in mysterious ways.

  12. Janet,
    AWOL? I'm not sure we're getting our money's worth here. If this keeps up, I may have to stop the credit card auto-billing!
    Is 22MPH a big deal there? It would make sense, being in the mountains. We seldom saw high winds in the Atlanta area- other than the occasional hurricane slogging inland or tornadoes showing us their warped version of love.
    Growing up in the desert, I actually enjoy a good 60MPH wind. (Our wind chimes and plants probably would not.)
    in Texas, "normal" just means whatever is happening right this minute.
    I think you nailed it. Janet is a writer's Walt Disney.

  13. roadkills: I live in a valley (southern PA), so it might just sound worse than it is. Though the porch swing and wind chimes are rocking like crazy, so maybe The Weather Channel has their numbers wrong. It's raining now, which only adds to the gloomy weather. It's perfect for writing, though.

  14. Hey I pretty much just woke up, what's "Monday morning"?

    Elka had some manner of existential need that a squeaky Kong tennis ball seems to have fulfilled. And I had a rejection in my inbox (short story).

  15. Look! The perfect tribute for the DoY. Especially useful when the tuna bowl is empty.

  16. Beth, that's brilliant. I think every writer (and agent!) with a cat needs #5.

    Miss Janet, I hope you are not 'under the weather' nor out 'in the weather', rather just tearing your hair out at the cleverness of Reiders and cursing DoY. Obviously yesterday's flash challenge was an attempt to appease your feline housemate's desire for tuna by offering up a moment of stardom in the blogosphere instead.

  17. Uh oh. I wonder if Janet could manage to blink twice if she's being held hostage by DoY. Or is there an emoji for that?

  18. @Craig F, thanks for the shout-out.


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