Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday chez Yowl

I'm holding the keyboard hostage until Thumbs replenishes the tuna bowl.
So far, not so so good.
She seems to be lying on the couch under the duvet, clutching the remote and watching Law & Order marathons.

Soon, I will up the ante by walking on her and issuing instructions until she complies.


  1. ...and if that fails, I will carpet-bomb her sock drawer.

  2. Just the right feline step can be a highly effective persuader. It is astonishing to me the PSI a cat can bring to bear!

  3. Soon, I will up the ante even more, by living up to my name.

    *opens mouth*

  4. Actually I am a pissy-kitty because she's not watching...

    Cat on a hot tin roof
    That darn cat
    The cat in the hat
    The truth about cats and dogs
    Cat Ballou

  5. I am listening to Person of Interest, my new guilty interest. My gosh, that voice. While I listen, I'm finishing up points of interest in Rio and thinking about how to get Lorena out of the tree I chased her up. It's not easy when you're up a tree in a crinoline.

  6. Love Carolynn's alternate viewing choices. Julie, I have that crinoline-up-a-tree picture in my head.

    Glad DoY has everything under control. I hope Janet feels up to life outside the duvet soon.

  7. Seems reasonable. My pug is pulling a similar tactic but Frankie is no where near as fearsome as DoY. So I am watching the Falcons make their way to the Super Bowl in this strange alternate reality I seem to be living in.

  8. Ramona is by my side as I read my Raymond Chandler collection. She prefers the lap but side by each is next best and acceptable.

  9. I binged on all the episodes of Chopped that the Food Network had available for free streaming. And then Chopped After Hours. And now I'm watching Breakfast at Tiffany's again. It's very weird to me that it's considered a comedy.

  10. How to get tuna 101:

    - bat at the moving shadows on the box Thumbs insists on watching
    - show your love by kneading the hand clutching the remote
    - remind Thumbs you are named DoY for a good reason
    - walk on the remote (very similar to walking on the keyboard)

  11. Cats are most a/effective when they withhold their e/affections.

  12. DoY: To get my attention when i have the remote, my cat, Cedar (19lbs with long black and white fur) decides to perch his large self on the 3 inch ledge in front of the TV. I call it the blackout for him every time.

  13. I hope the day under the duvet is simply "I want a day without stress" as opposed to "I don't feel well." Although the fact that the contest was closed over 12 hours late makes me fear it's the latter... If so, I hope you feel better soon, Janet.

  14. Dear Duchess

    Step on her bladder. That always works to get my human up.

    Signed, Little Girl Dog (who stole the computer while BJ's eating the most yummiest smelling liver and onions and bacon and mushrooms...)

  15. I'm watching a Jesse Stone marathon :)

  16. I better not tell the Duchess about standing on the bladder.

    One eye on football and one on an approaching squall line. Under both a tornado and dangerous weather watch.

  17. What a terrific and somewhat alien-ish photo of the DoY. I love it!

    Down here in Georgia, I'm binge watching The Weather Channel... We're in the line of some serious storms. We moved the Proud Spirit herd into an open yet protected field with plenty of hay, but I'll be edgy till this passes on by. Stay safe, folks...


  18. Greetings from soggy SoCal. My area is under flash flood warning for another three hours. Except for a brief respite yesterday, we've had about five solid days of continuous rain and it's supposed to keep going steady until Tuesday morning. The good news is, after this storm moves past, what's left of SoCal may be officially out of the drought. The bad news is, there might not be much left.

    Saturday morning, two college students and an inner tube were pulled out of the Santa Ana River, which is a man-made river that acts as a flood control channel. Who goes inner tubing in a flood control channel during a major storm? I suppose this speaks to the quality of college students here in SoCal.

    It appears the bad weather isn't confined to SoCal. Stay safe everyone.

  19. Had no idea of the bad weather you guys are having. Stay safe (and send the wet Down Under - we need it!).

  20. Under slight risk here - hate when it comes at night. Here's to a safe night for all.

  21. Like AJ, I also had no idea of the sort of weather you were having. Stay safe.

  22. DoY, hope you enjoyed your tuna :)

    And, hope everyone stays safe!

  23. Hope all you weather binge watchers made out okay.

    Ours is coming tomorrow hurricane force wind and rain.

  24. I hate when I do this but the word "tuck" was supposed to be yuck, not duck or f--k. I don't know why I censor myself here and use dashes instead of actually spelling out fuck. I say it all the time why not write it? There, I wrote it and I'm not sorry. Yes I am. I think "fuck" garners me an automatic ticket to Carkoon. Hellloo...Donna.

  25. Carolynn, if saying "fuck" over here sends you to Carkoon, the place will be over-run. But you'll be in good company, since I'll be there. :) And so will Janet, for that matter.

    The Duchess is looking a wee bit scrawny. I do hope she's in good health.

    My daughter once binge watched a bunch of Law & Order episodes when she was home over a winter break. I'm not a fan. And am still traumatized by that *ping* sound.

  26. JR - this made me GUFFAW- Thank you!

  27. It is sunny today in the Pacific NW!
    I was always amazed at how much psi Mehitabel could put in each of her dainty paws when she walked across my still-trying-to-be-sleeping form in the early morning.
    Cats! Gotta love em!


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