Sunday, September 11, 2016

We will never forget


John Davis Frain said...


Anonymous said...

Every time you post this pic, I get a little verklempt. Hard to believe it has been 15 years.

french sojourn said...


CynthiaMc said...

We lost a friend at the Pentagon that day. Off to Mass to say a prayer that whatever evil is being planned to be thwarted. Stay safe, everyone.

E.M. Goldsmith said...

15 years. I still can't think of that day without tears. I have a terrible headache today. Going back to bed.

JulieWeathers said...


It was a Tuesday. It had been a busy race weekend and we were trying to hit deadline at noon. Cody, my middle son called and said, "Mom, are you watching tv?"

"No, Cody. I'm working."

"Stop what you're doing and go turn the tv on. The trade center just got hit."

I turned it on just as the second one got hit. I sank to the couch and we cried together on the phone.

No, I will never forget.

Lucie Witt said...

My day was kind of the reverse of Julie's. I was a freshman in college. My mom called and woke me up. "Baby, you need to go turn on the TV." I went upstairs just in time to see the second tower hit. I sank to the couch, too. My mom and I watched and cried together.

Timothy Lowe said...

This year, two of my freshmen were born before that date. The other forty eight were in the womb.


nightsmusic said...

I was at my weekly bible study class. I'd just finished the coffee stuff (hostess) and was walking down the hall when my phone went off with an emergency news report. (I miss that phone!) My husband was in Reno for the air show and I called him only to learn that his boss had left just minutes before in the Gulfstream and husband was to take a commercial flight back later that day. I cried, he tried to console me from a thousand miles away, the kids were sent home from school, Detroit and the surrounding suburbs were put on emergency watch...

It took four days to get a flight for him. When we did, there was nothing allowed on the plane; baggage, books, phones, nothing. It was all gone through and then checked. Overheads were completely empty. No plastic forks, knives, anything so no food allowed. No bottled water even. It was surreal.

And all the time I waited for him, I couldn't seem to leave the TV. I cried for four days and more. And I still do.

Melanie Sue Bowles said...

I still cry. We were refinishing a deck for an elderly friend and had gone to Lowes to buy the stain. My husband was waiting in the truck. When I came out, he said, "A plane just hit the World Trade Center." I asked if it was a small private plane. He said he didn't know, he had just started the truck. We listened to the reports coming in as we hurried back to our friend's house, then ran in and turned on her tv. The 3 of us were immobilized with grief and shock. I recall just standing in her living-room with tears streaming down my face. My husband and I earned our living as professional firefighters (while simultaneously running the horse sanctuary). The images of those heroes rushing into the buildings in full gear... ugh. Janet... Were you in the city that day?

Sherry Howard said...

Shockwaves still slam,
New York the epicenter
crevices unending
cracked the heart
of our country.
(C) Sherry Howard

BJ Muntain said...

I was sleeping when I got a phone call from my friend's mother telling me she was all right - my friend was already living in NYC at that time. I thanked her and asked her why. She told me what happened, and that I could see it on TV. I, too, turned on the TV just in time to watch the second building get hit.

It was a terrible day.

RosannaM said...


Elissa M said...

We had just moved into quarters on Ft. Benning, GA. Most of our household goods were still in storage after transferring from our previous duty station in Germany. I had a computer but no TV. When I saw the news online, I thought someone had hacked the feed. I went next door to watch with a neighbor (her husband was an Army Ranger).

Yes, things changed.

Sometimes it bothers me that so few people truly understand what it's like to be on active duty or a family member in time of war. (Don't let the politicians fool you, there are still people out there who want us dead, we are still at war, and "advisers" are still "boots on the ground".) Other times I'm glad that most folks have no idea. Only occasionally have the wolves gotten through the guard dogs and harmed the flock.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

Claire Bobrow said...

Love to those who suffered on that terrible day, and to those who were left behind to grieve. Deepest thanks to those who risked their lives to rescue and recover, and to those who now serve to keep us safe. Peace and wisdom to all of us who go forward.

Carolynnwith2Ns said...

Janet, thanks for letting us share our stories.

My husband is an independent contractor. About ten years ago one of his clients, who was new to town, moved into a friend’s apartment. When my husband showed up to do the work, she asked him,
“Am I safe here?”
“This is a sleepy little New England town,” he said. “Nothing happens here.”
“But am I safe?”
“Yes,” he said, wondering why she was so afraid.
Later that day our friend told him that the woman was from NYC and that her husband had simply gone to work on 9/11 and never came home. She left the city soon after his death was verified.
A few months after my husband’s work was done, the woman moved again. As far as I know she still continues to search for a safe place to live.
Makes me ask, “In this fifteen year old new world are any of us safe?”

Celia Reaves said...

I was department chair at my community college. At the time we had no way to broadcast a general announcement and practically nobody had a cell phone, so when the college closed I was one of the people going from room to room telling students there would be no class. The ones sitting in the room were the ones who hadn't heard the news, of course. When I said, "no class," they usually said, "All right!"

"No, it's not. Get in your car. Turn on the radio and listen to the news. Go home." Over and over.

The following Sunday in church we sang "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God." I held it together until the last half of the last verse:
Let goods and kindred go,
This mortal life also.
The body they may kill;
God's truth abideth still.
His kingdom is forever.


Thank you, Janet, for giving us this opportunity to share our memories in a supportive community. We WILL never forget.

Colin Smith said...

If it's appropriate to have a favorite memorial picture, that one is mine.

I was working in downtown Raleigh that day. I remember distinctly one of the people there saying that a plane had hit the WTC. My first thought was it was some fool in a light aircraft--single passenger type thing. Out of curiosity, I went to and saw the full horror of what was happening just before the second plane hit. And then the drama of the towers falling. It was hard to carry on a day's work after seeing that. We weren't sent home, but, of course, being in downtown Raleigh (state capital of North Carolina, for our international readers), and in a multi-story building, we were on high alert, and it took a bit longer getting home that day.

Thanks for helping us remember, Janet. I know this hits you more than many of us, given this happened on your doorstep, a city you love so dearly. My thoughts are with you and your neighbors up there in NYC today.

JulieWeathers said...

I read this story earlier and reposted it on twitter. I think it's one everyone should read.

I'll be buying a red bandana tomorrow.

Elissa, this drives me crazy as well. Regardless of what the politicians say, soldiers are still dying. Boots are still on the ground. No, they aren't all home. They've never been all home.

I watched this tribute this morning as I do every year. And I cried again, as I always do.

Unknown said...

I was in my living room watching the Today Show and nursing my baby when the second plane hit the second tower and I knew that my ordinary plans for an ordinary Tuesday ceased to matter because I was watching people die on live television and there was nothing I could do but cry and hold my daughter close as I wondered what kind of world I'd brought her into.

Susan said...

Thanks for the WIR, and thank you, everyone, for sharing your stories. Last year, I wrote a blog post in which I admitted I couldn't remember mine. That was hard for me because you're not supposed to forget something like this.

I know I was a senior in high school, two weeks away from turning eighteen. I know I was on my way to Trigonometry when rumors began to spread and people still laughed because no one knew the truth. I know my teacher told us there was no new information and we went ahead with our lesson. But then the memory gets fuzzy. I vaguely remember walking into Economics class and watching with my teacher and classmates as the towers fell. I don't remember anything after that. I can remember when Diana died. I can remember when JFK, Jr. died. I can remember Columbine like it was yesterday and I came home from school, sobbing as I stared at the television. But I can't remember this.

Last year, I read all the news articles and personal testimonies and watched the broadcasts. I know I've seen those images a thousand times before, but it was like I was seeing it for the first time again, and even now it's overwhelming and I can't shake the emotions. I feel ashamed that I can't remember. But I'm grateful for those of you who share your stories because that's how I know I'll never forget. Thinking of all of you today.

Kae Ridwyn said...

I remember too. My older brother was in NYC - he'd just moved there. Today is always an emotional day. Thinking of you and praying for you all today.

Just Jan said...

I was working with no access to television, so we relied on others for news that day. One of my clients was a Boston-based flight attendant for American Airlines. She knew most of the crew on Flight 11 and when she came in that afternoon she cried as she told me about each of them.

Even today, it is still hard to write about. Time to go eat chocolate and hug my family. More or less in that order.

May everyone here find peace today.

LynnRodz said...

Amen, I don't think anyone who was alive on that day will ever forget it.