Monday, July 25, 2016

Contest results? well, no, not so much

I'm still in Vermont.
Getting home has been a slower trip than we thought.
Traffic is not really moooooooo-ving very fast.


Michael Seese said...

Cow tipping time!

No wait. They're awake. said...

Ha ha. But that's why you're on VACATION. Everything should be moving more slowly. Breathe in. Enjoy.

Colin Smith said...

You couldn't find anUDDER way to go? This is terriBULL. A COWtastrophe. But if it allows you to MILK your VACCAtion a little longer, I suppose that makes the whole discussion MOOt.

Have a safe trip home, Janet! :)

Cindy C said...

Enjoy your down time. You can rest and relax until the cows come home!

I made it back from the Midwest Writer's Workshop, which was great. Not quite as good as last year when Janet was the star, of course, but still good! As a bonus, I also saw cows.

E.M. Goldsmith said...

Safe journeys.

And Colin Bless you, son. My dry cleaning bill has gone up with this blog. Coffee spraying all over me with all the laughing. Boss giving me strange looks. It's all good.

DLM said...

Colin, that was dang near worthy of my mom. Nearly seven with one blow!

Colin Smith said...

EM: I aim to entertain. Though I think your aim needs a little work. ;)

Diane: *snap* I was going to include something about how CHEESEy that was. But I didn't DAIRY. Your mother sounds like a delightful and entertaining person with a keen sense of humor. I could learn much from her. :)

DLM said...

Colin, you have no idea. Mom is the kind of woman who can begin a day with a plan for some nice, civilized antiquing, and end up completely dismantling an ancient workbench along the way, just for the hammer-wielding fun of it.

You are still a brave tailor!

Colin Smith said...

The Brave Little Tailor

DeadSpiderEye said...

Perhaps you'll get time to ruminate on the decision.

Colin Smith said...

DSE: You deserve a PAT for that... :)

DeadSpiderEye said...

Colin Smith: I cud say the same for you.

Panda in Chief said...

Oh the punniness of it all!
Reminds me of our visit to Cornwall last year. Twice a day the "traffic" was held up by the cows going to work and heading home. Will look for the pictures I took.
We await your return with baited breath, Janet.

And Colin, very cheesy puns.

Mary Harwood said...

Great hearing you speak at the VWG conference. Wish I had gotten a slot to pitch you! By the way, wonder if you sample any of Vermont's wild vodkas while up here? They make the stuff out of milk and even maple sap!