Friday, March 14, 2014

Unexpected happiness in out of the way places

Happiness comes from events both large and small, we know that.

The large events: birth of a baby, a wedding, an award, a recognition, overcoming a challenge; we all recognize those as worthy of celebration.

The small events though, those vary from person to person.  One small thing that always makes me happy is finding a little known perfect place. Once it was a drive-in on the from Napa to San Francisco (yum!)  As often as I can it's the view of the Chrysler Building from an exact spot on 20th Street. Today that place is in the airwaves: a radio program.

 Fabulous Robert Stubblefield sent me the link to his contribution to Reflections West:

Reflections West is a weekly radio program that presents the thoughts of writers and scholars on the American West. These thinkers pair their own thoughts with a passage from literature and history.

Reflections West's aim is simple: to circulate—as widely as possible—wonderful passages of literature and history of the West in a thoughtful and thought-provoking way. In short, we present reflections in order to spur further reflections from our listeners based on their own knowledge and experience.

Robert's piece is on James Welch and his novel  Fool's Crow.

You can subscribe to the podcast for Reflections West through iTunes and you can bet I did that too.


Kitty said...

I checked out Reflections West and perused the site, which is how I saw a link to this writing contest: The Importance of Being Irish in Montana. The closing date for submission is May 31, 2014

The Writer Librarian said...

Grew up in Napa/San Francisco area and miss it. Thanks for sharing the yum. And will definitely check out Reflections West.

Lance said...

Thank you again for another inspiring and useful link. I have it bookmarked.