Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Katrina Niidis Holm is my new best friend

Elegantly plotted and exquisitely written, Safe From Harm is the second in Stephanie Jaye Evans’ Sugar Land Mystery series. It’s the first thing by Evans that I’ve read, but the prologue alone was enough to earn her a spot on my list of must-read authors. Safe From Harm is a devastating tale of jealousy, greed, vengeance, and betrayal, and the havoc these sins can wreak when they’re unleashed on an unsuspecting suburban town.

 Katrina Niidis Holm's review of SAFE FROM HARM in Crimespree Magazine is here.  The fifth paragraph made me giddy with joy.


Colin Smith said...
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Colin Smith said...

Katrina is absolutely correct. This is an unusual (at least for me) murder-mystery in that it seems so obvious and clear-cut from the beginning: Phoebe killed herself. And Stephanie pulls you into the story through her engaging characters and beautiful prose until you start to see, along with Bear Wells, the flaws in the picture.

I enjoyed Stephanie's first, but this, her second, is superb. It's one of those books that's not just for the mystery-lover; it's for anyone who enjoys a well-told tale with characters you can care about. Read this book. Your eyes will thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a prime example of how a great review can prompt people to read outside their usual genre preference. I've never read a crime mystery, but now I want to.