Monday, October 29, 2012

Street level entertainment

It's amazing what you see on the streets of New York!

Even after watching intently for a couple minutes I couldn't figure out what was in the boxes, but I know it wasn't books!

If you're wondering, these were taken on the corner of 29th Street and Sixth Avenue, our new Reef location.


Unknown said...

Supplies, I would think. Aren't you expecting Sandy?

JeffO said...

That's a lot of boxes. Good luck with the storm.

Adele said...

I looked up "". I bet they're chock full of anything and everything that's inexpensive and smaller than a breadbox.

Terri Lynn Coop said...

Because I am a nerd . . .

TCK is a manufacturing group in China that makes parts for industrial applications.

EBS manufacturers ink jet printer parts and supplies.

So, Ima guessing it is either ink jet cartridges or even printers.

Bulky, obviously not all that heavy.

Okay, I'll get back to work now.


PS: Stay safe! I know a shark can swim through any sea. Still, we're going to be worried about you and the minions until it passes.

indiawins said...

submit yor site or posts to to get good traffic and dofollow back link.

Bill Scott said...

That looks like about the right number of boxes to unload this 800 square foot bookstore in Rome. Pic at

Stay safe.

Michael Seese said...

Hmmm. Is a Kardashian getting divorced?

Terri Lynn Coop said...

Sorry about drawing that spam to you. Adele and I have magical powers.
