Sunday, July 22, 2012

If you are a writer, watch this

20 minutes or so. You will not regret it!
(tip of the chapeau to Gary Corby and Anne Bingham for this)


Anonymous said...

Nice! Thanks for sharing this.

Ellen said...

This has always been one of my favorite TED talks ever. :D

steeleweed said...

Write/create for yourself. It is it's own reward and makes external approval superfluous. Satisfaction with what you do has with nothing to do with success in the marketplace. If your satisfaction comes from public approval, the tribulations of writing are the least of your problems.

lightfootosolage said...

Of all the things I will see/experience today, this will singularly be the reason why I got up this morning.

I needed to hear this. I needed to know what was going on inside me was not something unique only to me. I was desperate to hear these words . . . and I didn't even know it.

Thank you for posting this Janet. It was a perspective clarifier for not just this moment, but for my career.

Landra said...

A perfect speech to propel me along in my work. Thank you for sharing.

Carolynnwith2Ns said...

When that presence, (I have named her Allie), rules my fingertip-dance on the keyboard, it is a magical moment and why I do what I do.

Elisabeth Black said...

Oh lord I love this ted talk.

Brent Stratford said...

For someone who has reached the pit of despair trying to find an agent and is considering giving up on any notion of ever getting published, this was very well received.

Kimbra Kasch said...


NotaWarriorPrincess said...

I love this talk! "Charisma" is another word for that divine spark, and another word that has become sadly "secularized" among people who no longer live a "magic" worldview. Yay for being zapped by the gods!

"Could I revive within me, her symphony and song/To such a deep delight 'twould win me,/That with music, loud and long/I should build that dome in air--/That flashing dome! Those caves of ice!/And all who looked should see it there/And all would cry, "Beware! Beware!/His flashing eyes! His floating hair!/Weave a circle round him thrice,/And close your eyes in Holy Dread/For he, on Honey-dew hath fed/And drunk the Milk of Paradise."

Write Life said...

Wow! Just so Wow!

Rosemary said...

Thanks! I needed that.
I haven't yet had the success she's enjoyed, but I will keep showing up. I will catch that muse by the tail and I will not let her intimidate me.That is the promise I make to myself today.

Donna said...

What a gift this morning. Thank you. Ole to you all. (where is that darn accent mark anyway?)

Anonymous said...

"I showed up for my part" will soon be a plaque on my wall.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way of describing the process. I've been a professional speaker and musician for 29 years. When these moments of synchronicity occur in those arenas it palpable, I've always describe it by saying, "God showed up.” I didn't realize the description had such a history.

For me, the struggle comes during the process of making this connection with others. I hope/believe/desire I'll find an agent who enjoys the work I've done. Until that happens, I'll counter those times of difficulty by reminding myself of the joyous ole moments I enjoyed while writing the story.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. That thundercloud she describes, that on-rush of a story from some indescribable source, hits the nail on the head. The idea that we don't own the inspiration and talent but merely borrow it in incredibly freeing. Thanks for posting this.

Manju Howard said...

Thanks for sharing! Elizabeth's words lighten my spirit.

Sara said...

This surely must be the best TED talk ever (and I venture to guess the most-viewed). I've seen it innumerable times over the past few years and I still absolutely love it every time I watch it. She's a truly gifted speaker (and writer).

Dianne said...

Here's to the stubborness and passion (and at times the divinity) of writing.

A.J. Cattapan said...

I've seen this video before, but it's always good to see again.

Her talk reminds me of Julia Cameron's book The Artist's Way, in which she describes all creativity as coming from God, the ultimate Creator of all things who simply wants us to share in the act of creation with Him.

Unknown said...

Wonderful! Thanks for posting. I'm sending the link to my writer's group.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This video was so interesting, entertaining, and encouraging. Thanks so much for posting it.

Guilie Castillo said...

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing!

KayC said...

Brilliant. She may be a great writer, but I think she missed her calling - she is a fantastic speaker.

I think I need to go and have a serious chat with my genius in the corner because he's definitely not holding up his end of the bargain at the moment.

JDowds said...

This was an amazing video! It's so nice to finally be able to name the weird centipede monster that's been sitting in the corner for the last few years telling me what to write. I've been calling him Bob.

Unknown said...

Wonderful. Thank you for sharing this.