Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Here is a list of things I can say with certainty I don't care about:

1. Whether Rep. Anthony Weiner was hacked/bamboozled/justplainstupid about the crotch shot.  You've seen one pair of boxer briefs you've seen them all.

2. Sarah Palin's Excellent Adventure.  I don't care if she's avoiding reporters or giving Fox an exclusive.  I know her opinion on everything: Not-Obama's. I don't want to hear about the 2012 election until ...surprise surprise...2012.

Doesn't the news media have something more interesting to talk about: like the absence of air conditioning my office?  Or even better: I just got finished copies of Bill Cameron's COUNTY LINE and it's so GORGEOUS it cured my snarl.


Melissa said...

If you stop paying attention to the news, you'll be a happier shark. Promise.

However, I would do something about that A/C, if I were you. I hear that the temps in NYC are just as hellish as they are in Austin. It's like the inside of a Tupperware container out there.

Your authors never make it down to our neck of the woods for signings. We're feeling a little neglected here ...

Anonymous said...

agree with above. I hate to uninformed, but 99% of the news makes me angry lately. Had to stop watching for a bit!

Laurel said...

I feel your pain on every level. Except our AC at HOME is on the blink. It was 100 here today.

I'm melting.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

What would late night comedy do without Sarah? No excuse for no A/C in this weather - hope you survive. And, Bill's book looks beautiful (just like him). Can't wait to read.

jan said...

The news is simply not news at all. If I want gossip, I'll tune in to Hollywood Tonight..and I'll never do that.
Pool is open. Stop in anytime.

Christwriter said...

18 years of living with an uber-republican father (as in member of John Birch Society, "Republican camp is perfect for your summer vacation!", and the-birth-certificate-is-doctored Republican) gave me an immediate allergy to talking heads. Fox News appears and I feel like I need an epi-pen.

In short...boxer shorts? the hell? I've been too busy listening to Galveston to pay attention to that nonsense.

Shannon Heather said...

I stopped watching the news when Sarah Palin told millions of viewers she could see Russia from her house.

I've grown adept at turning on the news the moment the weather person rambles on about how we might get rain, or maybe snow, possibly a chance of flooding, and/or a thunderstorm in the afternoon (I live in Colorado - skitzo weather is normal)

I don't know anything about a crotch shot - hope I'm not sorry I missed that one.

Anyway, have your new assistant run around the office really fast, give you a breeze. :-)

Trisha said...

News is not only boring and frustrating, it's not really even news most of the time ;) Unless you watch the more obscure news channels anyway... World news is a breath of fresh air, where you actually learn about more than just kittens stuck in drains and the latest sports results.

Steve Stubbs said...

Well, if Cameron's book relaxes the curl in your lip I will have to buy a copy - or steal one, as the opportunity arises. Best wishes to both of you for a bestseller.

As for Palin, I have it on good authority she is secretly working for Obama. If she gets the Republican nomination, that will surely guarantee him a second term. He won't even have to campaign to win.

Don't tell anybody. This is supposed to be a secret.

Sarah Allen said...

Amen, amen, and...why, yes, that cover is quite fantabulously gorgeous. Very intriguing :)

Sarah Allen
(my creative writing blog)

Cara Ellison said...

@Shannon Heather, you realize it was *Tina Fey* who said she could see Russia from her house, not Sarah Palin? It was an SNL skit, not an actual quote from Sarah Palin. But I love that you think you saw her say it to "millions of viewers."

Laila Knight said...

The news does tend to put a damper on things. I try to avoid it. Unfortunately, my hubby still fills me in. True about the boxers, who cares? As for politics, I could do without. Sorry to hear about your A/C.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh. And the confirmation that I'm not the only one who doesn't care about these things!

Travis Erwin said...

I wish election were like Survivor. Once voted off the island you were gone.