Wednesday, January 19, 2011

just watch

"Chance favors the connected mind"


Margaret Yang said...

I love this video. The best things I ever wrote were those that had two interesting ideas stuck together. Seems I'm on the right track.

Joelle said...

Very effective. I shared the link and put his book on hold at the library. Thanks! Sounds really interesting.

Sarah W said...

Holy Cow---there's my dad's birthday present!

Thank you!

Simon Hay said...

Brilliant! I also watched the Ted conference video titled the same. With my connection to spirit, I see spirit joining in the conversations when a group of people gather. Spirits fertilise ideas with intuitive prompts. Healing works the same way. It's never a solo venture. Energetic connections, bonding, drive the healing process.

The reef is like a coffee shop!

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Positively brilliant. (And, man he writes/draws fast!)

gregkshipman said...

I'll pass this link around the Institute... sooo interesting. In my years in R&D I've discovered that the innovation process is more like being in a dark room with a book of matches and striking one after another. 90% fizzle out... 10% light and only one or two of those actually ignite the lamp. The secret to innovation???... never give up and never discount a damn thing!

Thanks again

Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

Brilliant stuff. Mesmerizing.

I need to start meeting with my peeps again!

Orlando said...

I howl whilst typing furiously, hunting for the right words to for my novel. When in my write mind.

Carolynnwith2Ns said...

Ms.Trite says:
If it takes a fast hand to contemplate a slow inovative thought then quick light bulb moments must explode your head.
Pop !

How does he do that without smearing the whiteboard?

Whirlochre said...

Bashing two rocks together to produce a spark. I love it.

Anonymous said...

This video makes me feel so good about all my hours wasted, I mean spent, on the internet! And that right there is an important, innovative idea.