Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Is one of your new year resolutions to be more connected?

Media Bistro has a list of reasons people won't follow you back on twitter.
 I think it's a pretty good list.

The only thing I would add is that if you protect your tweets (ie you require someone to ask if they can follow you) you won't get followed a lot.

I never request permission to follow someone, and I block people who do from following me. The whole point of twitter is to expand your network, and protecting your updates doesn't do that.

(yes, this post was up at QueryShark this morning. For some reason, I didn't click the correct blog. Argh! Morning!)


Margaret Yang said...

You could say similar things about Facebook. I had to unfriend someone who updated every 15 minutes.

Charli Armstrong said...

Every fifteen minutes? Who has that kind of time?!

Andrew said...

"I block people...from following me."
"The whole point of twitter is to expand your network, and protecting your updates doesn't do that."

I love the shark, I the only one who raised an eyebrow at this juxtaposition?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I protected my Twitter because I had people adding me then tagging me in tweets with some unsavoury links.

So... now I've changed the privacy settings, can you please unblock me?

Deb Vlock said...

I take your point, Janet. But sometimes protecting your tweets makes sense...if you are on the job market, for example, and you sometimes make political tweets, it can cost you a job if the hiring manager does not share your opinions. I strongly suspect that happened to me recently so I protected my tweets -- just for the time being. I don't like doing it, but right now it feels necessary.