Saturday, October 02, 2010

Thrilling indeed!

Holy moly, it's real!

Gary Corby on THE PERICLES COMMISSION in the International Thriller Writers newsletter here.


Sarah W said...

Hooray for Gary!

It couldn't happen to a nicer brilliant historian---his blog (A Dead Man Fell from The Sky) should not be missed.

I've had my copy pre-ordered since it showed up on Amazon. It's destined to be my husband's Christmas present . . . eventually.

Deb Vlock said...

What a beautiful cover! I can't wait to read it. You go, Gary!

Josin L. McQuein said...

That's a great cover. I love the shifty eyed guy hiding behind the column.

It almost looks like a stop-motion frame and that the 2-D people should be slithering along any second.

Gary Corby said...

Thanks Sarah, you know the way to an author's heart! You're being very kind on the historian comment, but I did have enormous fun weaving fiction into reality.

I'm sure your turn's not far off, Deb! Then I'll be admiring your cover.

Josin, the shifty-eyed guy lurking behind the column is Our Hero. The background is taken from scene 3 of the book. It's turned out beautifully!

And Janet, it's real indeed, and very much thanks to you.

Sha'el, Princess of Pixies said...

Hi GARY!!!

Can you see me doing a Pixie Dance??? Yipee .... so when do we see the next one?