2. CASTING RATS FOR A SHORT FILM I'm in need for three to four rats for a short film project. We'll just need them for one day of shooting probably late July or early August. If you have any or know anyone who has some cute rats who'd like some time in front of the camera, please let me know.
Since this is New York City, there are lots of rats but I'm not sure they're actually on the web. And truthfully, I'm not so sure about the cute part either. More like Templeton

Too bad you're in New York. I found a very photogenic, healthy rat in my parent's Arizona barn that looked like he was headed for stardom, acrobatics and all. Oh wait, that was me doing the acrobatics.
They can have the one that's taken to walking with me and my dogs in the morning. Okay, this only happened once but it made me want to kick myself for not having the foresight to pack a camera for a 6:00 dog poop walk.
Contact the Actor's Guild, all those rats from BEN are outta work - sure they'd love a payday, might even work for food!
Haste yee back ;-)
obviously you're forgetting michael jackson's song, "Ben", the only Top 40 love song to a rat. : )
Rats off to ya!
You really MUST check out the HeroRAT organization--bomb sniffing rodents, and they also sniff out TB. Of course these aren't any run-of-the-mill rats. Lots of folks "virtually adopted" them for Father's Day...the gift that keeps on giving. I suppose if they were sad, you could call 'em "Rat-sody in Blue"...but I digress. Here's the site: http://www.herorat.org/
He should contact RADA--the Rat Academy of Dramatic Art. It's based in England, I'm sure.
Apparently they make good pets. I wouldn't know though, not many rats where I live.
I hate rats! But one of my copy editors loves them. Has two. Until I hired her, I never knew anyone who had rats for pets. Somehow I just can't picture snuggling them like I do my loveable dog, Kakita (Kids named him after some kind of samurai warrior but he's as close to a samurai as I am to writing full time and ditchin’ my day job). Anyway, I'm sure if we were in New York Ellen would totally answer this call for rats. And I’m sure her rats would do an awesome job.
No, no. No such thing as a cute rat. Mice can be cute, but any wild rodent that's as big or bigger than my foot is not cute.
But, yes, that's awesome.
Hilarious!!! I currently have one in my garage I'm hoping to humanely trap this weekend! Now we know where to release him!
Wait-- you need cute rats like Templeton, or the Rats of NY (a.k.a RONY) are too cute for your movie?
I am the rat-lover Buffy Andrews mentioned. I actually have three rats, but one is quite old and feeble :(
The other two are still young and vivacious. All three have tons of personality. They are very smart creatures and can be quite cuddly (I know that's hard to believe, but it's true!!!)You can train them to learn tricks and their name.
Anyway, I wouldn't recommend using wild rats in your film. Pet rats are domesticated and gentle. They don't bite. (Think of a wild rat and a pet rat like a wolf to a beagle...very different temperaments!)
I am picturing a lab assistant at CUNY sneaking out his psych specimens for a little extra cash--those Norwegian Browns really are pretty cute.
Huh. And I just finished watching Ratatouille. Interesting fact: There are no rats in Alberta. Not the furry kind, anyway.
Too bad Basil Ratbone is dead.
I would think a slightly scruffy rat would be more interesting than a cute rat.
I don't know about rats but octopusus make very talented pets:
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