I'll be at the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group on Saturday January 23rd.
I'll be teaching Fundamentals of a Good Query in the morning, then Query Letter Boot Camp, using the actual queries of the people in the class, in the afternoon.
And I'm bringing a surprise guest just to make things more fun!
(no it's not the Herpet-American asssssistant--she's currently sunning herself on a lanai in Hawaii, helping one of The Fabulosity with his revisions.)
I'm told space is limited so if you're thinking of attending, you'll want to register early.
And if you're going to miss this, but you live in PA, I'll be back!
Um, January 23rd is my birthday, so I don't know how you're going to make it to this query thing.
Oh, wish I could come. I know it will be fabulous.
Oh the Lehigh Valley ... land of my mother's birth and an all-around fun and quirky place to hang out in.
It doesn't surprise me that they'd take you seriously in offering up a photo of a place called Crow Bar to pry you from NYC. Just par for the course in that part of the state.
I'm so glad you were finally harassed/stalked/roped/bribed (take your pick) into attending the Pennwriter's Conference. I'll see you at the bar!
I thought that Herpet-Americans weren't allowed in Hawaii. Isn't that racial bias? How did you get her a visa?
That's only an hour from me! I wish I could go, just to meet the Gweat and Tewwible Janet Reid. (name that book) :)
Dan: Jetpack of course.
Elisabeth: That would be either THE ELECTRIC CHURCH, THE DIGITAL PLAGUE, or ETERNAL PRISON by the Gweat and Tewwible Jeff Somers!
Lehigh? A little too far away for me. But Seton Hill in June sounds perfect!
Wow. They built that just for you? How awesome. :-)
Hope you have a great time.
Dang! I live on the left coast.
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