The less charitable of my ilk might see this as a typo.
No no.
Clearly it's a reference to that sturdy novel long beloved by high school English teachers everywhere, Ethan Frome, since Fox News is known to employ clever jokers.
What else could possibly explain this, or even this:

I would like to thank 7-Ox News for keeping me infromed also. It's way better than being exfromed.
There have been many times where Fox mis-labeled a party affiliation. Usually it's when a Republican is accused of some wrongdoing (stealing, molesting interns, etc.) and they conveniently throw a D on them for the broadcast.
I'm glad I have a job, I finally made it to the top 3%.
I love that book Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, it's in my top ten of all time favourites.
Ahhh, see that explains everything :). They're just over my head!
Very droll, old chaps!
LOL. I've noticed that many big network news stations often have typos--A LOT--but this one is glaring mistake!
Don't even get me started on all the typos I find on the local news...hardly a day goes by without finding one :P Oh well; it gives me a good laugh if anything :)
149 million americans unemployed!!! Holly sh*t.. we hit 97% unemployment rate over night...
Cristo! Leave it to fox news to infrom us of catastrophe via a scrolling marquee.
These folks frighten me.
Heh... if you look, they also misspell America. I wonder where Amercia is on a map?
on a similar note, LOL:
Hee, hee. We are very charitable, we'll have you know. Just not toward idio--mmmph. Anyway.
The use of the term "Infromed" was clearly meant as a sly allusion to the "Death Panels" which are being written into the health care reform bill.
To "Infrome" someone is to use a Flexible Flyer or a classic toboggan or any sled of choice to induce a state of terminal infromation.
In a sentence:
"Hurtling down the hill with Mattie in front of him on his Flexible Flyer, Ethan was determined to infrome them both."
I have added this term to my spell check dictionary so I may never again be uninfromed.
Who was the one that said the US was losing 500 million jobs a month? Can't remember, but its hard to top that one :)
That reminds me of that sign that used to appear in ofices complaining that of the people available to do the work so many millions were retired, in mental institutions, in prison, in the armed forces, in the government, and so on. At the bottom of the sign, after all the numbers have been removed from the work force it says: "That just leaves you and me, and, Buddy, I am getting tired of doing your half."
I could not decide whether to feel tired or important.
Fox News has been considered a butt (I meant bit...bit.) of a joke for quite a while now anyway. Something about putting the yellow in journalism?
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