Friday, August 14, 2009

Stop what you're doing and watch this

Here's some context for what you'll see


Anonymous said...

That was absolutely breathtaking.

Rebecca L Sutton said...

I'm speechless.

PurpleClover said...


Rachael said...

That was absolutely AMAZING! I didn't even know anything like that was possible.

Mame said...

Amazing, isn't it?

Sarah Laurenson said...

Shock and Awe. Wow. My mouth hung open the entire time. (Though I did recognize the feel of a 'Got Talent' recording.) She deserves that title and so much more.

Charlotte said...

So... That is what they call TV reality in Ukraine?
Good thing I don't live there, I'd never get anything done with this type of TV!

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Thank you so much for sharing. I teach tenth grade world literature, and I plan on using this now with my Holocaust unit. Thank you so very much for sharing.

Debra Lynn Shelton said...

Unbelievable. Brilliant. Awe-inspiring. Thanks for sharing...

Stephanie, PQW said...

Very powerful! Words can not express the emotion that flowed while I was watching. And that was before I read what it was about.

K said...

Baby Sandy is a DVD of sand drawing like this that we've been showing our daughter since she was a year old. It stuns me into silence every time I watch it, even if she is making a bunny! Thank you for sharing this beautiful one.

Natalie Murphy said...

I've never seen anything like that before. Breathtaking.

Thank you for sharing.

JES said...

Holy crap, Janet... I'm almost embarrassed to think that I "create" anything after watching that.

Unknown said...

Wow! Thank you for posting that.

MG Higgins said...


Tara McClendon said...

Amazing. I loved it. Thanks for sharing.

Haste yee back ;-) said...

So much to say... but not a word worthy!

Thank you, Janet. Thank you! Truly touched.

Haste yee back ;-)

Jay said...

That... was something.

Stace said...

Wouldn't want to sneeze eh.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Fascinating what some can create.

Joanne Levy said...

Amazing. Truly. Thanks for sharing.

Bryan Russell said...

Stunning. My sister was a visual arts major, and I just sent it to her. Though, on the downside, it makes me think I wasted all those hours in the sandbox as a kid...

My thanks,
Bryan Russell

Penelope said...

This is amazing! I didn't know what it was about until after I watched the video, but I was caught up in the emotion of the story, all the same. Thanks for sharing!

Ricky Bush said...

Now, that's how to tell a story. Anyway--

Monda said...

So stunning I had to watch it twice. Did anyone else weep, or am I just menopausal?