Monday, June 15, 2009

Last Night in Montreal!

Tonight I called up my boon companion Juliet Grames at Overlook Press and asked if she had plans. Well, she did. As it turned out she was attending a reading at McNally Jackson by Emily St. John Mandel. In one of those "can't put it in a novel cause no one would believe it" moments, that was the exact event I planned to attend and was calling to ask if she would come with me!

We braved the sociopathic weather we're having here in NYC this month and found ourselves at McNJ with plenty of time to talk to Emily, Masha Hamilton (who interviewed Emily) and event coordinator Jessica Stockton Bagnulo.

Left to right:
Juliet Grames, Overlook Press; Emily St. John Mandel, debut author Last Night in Montreal;
Masha Hamilton, author; Jessica Stockton Bagnulo, McNally Jackson events goddess.


Anonymous said...

Janet, it was GREAT to see you last night!

Robin Lemke said...

I should be thinking literary things, but just think about how adorable Emily's hair is.

David Edgerley Gates said...

There's a scene in John Crowley's THE TRANSLATOR where an English class reads one of the exiled Russian poet's poems aloud---in translation---and he comments that it's not the poem he wrote, since he wrote it in Russian.

ryan field said...

I was scrolling to read posts and noticed WHERE HOPE BEGINS. It looks like a really good read.

Emily St. John Mandel said...

Janet, it was great to meet you. Thanks for coming to the event, and thanks for taking this picture -- I think it's actually the only photographic documentation that this event ever occurred.

And thank you, Mystery Robin, for complimenting my hair.