If only to give to Dad for Christmas. He's been the recipient, over the years, of a number of gifts that have left us guffawing. Our favorite to this day is the Christmas card that said "Merry Christmas to the man who's been like a father to me."
This picture is lifted from the always hilarious CakeWrecks blog.
That reminds me of my kids' favorite joke: What has four legs and a tail and goes "Oom, oom?"
A cow walking backwards.
And their other favorite: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A stick.
You're groaning now, but I bet you repeat at least one of them at the dinner table tonight.
All that's missing from that picture is a single cupcake with "YES!" on it.
Mrs. Santa Claus doesn't like the HO HO HO cupcakes, being a feminist and all. But she does like the Classy !*@& cookies.
If you turn it upside down, it reads "HO HO HO" though.
Is that what you call upside-down cake?
I know. Groan.
The sad thing is so would I! I'm definitely keeping it in mind for the family get together next year (And yes, I do have that kind of humor)...
I'll have what she's having.
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