Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Query Status Update 7/23/2008

If you've queried me electronically, I've responded.
There are no outstanding query letters. If you haven't heard from me query again.

If I've requested a partial or full, I'm still reading.

If you've queried me by mail, I'm about a week behind but you'll hear from me by the end of next week.

If you've queried me by mail and it's been more than a month, and you haven't heard, query again. Make sure you have the correct address. The ONLY address is 240 West 35th etc. All other addresses, the mail is returned or lost or eaten by wolves.



Query new:

there is a book here. can you help me bring it out?

danny bloom
Tufts 1971

I Like Cheese said...

oh, and can you have my car washed too, please?

university of southern maine
via santa rosa junior college
via sonoma state university 1995 (or somewhere thereabouts!)