One of my clients just moved and sent me a picture of the view from her window.
I stare across the desk at Gary Heidt most days. To the left and right are beautiful paintings, one by Gary's girlfriend Nathalie Vogel, the other by Jimmy McDonough, is an abastract expressionist painting I love so much I'm hoping he forgets he lent it to me!
What are you looking at?
Right now? A picture of the view from your client's window.
Usually? A blank-ish page, the sky from outside, or a very, very bad cat who will not be ignored.
My son. Nothing / no one compares to the little guy, sorry :)
Evergreens and deer. Deer who are waiting for me to take a break and come out and give them carrots.
On the wall over my computer screen are six photos of me and my friends rafting down the Gauley River in West Virginia. Next to that, of course, is the "Malts of Scotland" calendar. April is the MacAllan 18 year old single malt. Crap. I just looked at it again. Now I'm thirsty.
A pile of mail I desperately need to go through. Books. All stacked not so neatly on top of my printer.
Lately I've been plugging in my laptop upstairs in my living room, so I'm looking at my massive bookshelf. I like it.
Seems like every time I look up, I see my old black cat and my hilarious pug.
My goal / plan is to move out of town and look at my horses outside my window...
Behind our PC is a framed print of Emile Renouf's The Helping Hand. Underneath that, just for fun I tacked up this classic picture of Loren and Mansfield.
But in the room where I write, there's nothing on the wall I face, nothing to distract me from writing. It's a very pale creamy yellow. And I use a laptop which is not online.
The window in my office faces a brick wall. Somehow it just seems appropriate, really.
Out my window at the lovely little bird feeder my husband bought me for Christmas. It sits on a hook in front of the neighbor's lilac bushes, which are sprouting leaves and making spring seem more real. Right now a female red-winged blackbird is having her breakfast while a house finch looks on. (She likes to dine alone.)
I have a great mountain out my window too. Maybe not as spectacular as your client's, but at just over 12,000 feet and still snowy, it's worth looking at.
So, of course, I keep my back to it. Have to get some work done, you know
Mostly, I'm looking at a computer screen, but I'm surrounded by things that make me feel good: my diploma saying I'm a "Gepruefter Franke" from the House of Frankish History in Abenberg Castle, pictures, posters, books, knick-knacks (most of them from my kids), and piles of paper that prove I'm actually doing something.
NO mountains, no snow, but I do have three glass walls, trees and squirrels so it's all good *g*
You can't see any of our mountains from my particular window. But I did play, on my blog!
Out my window I have the view of the downtown San Diego skyline, including the Coronado Bridge and the ocean.
My desk faces a wall so I'm not distracted all the time. :)
At the moment, there are pink phlox blooming out the window to my right. There's also a purple columbine. I have pictures of the phlox on my website, but I haven't posted the columbine flower yet (due to laziness. I took the actual picture, I just haven't uploaded it.)
This spring, I had some of the best flowers ever, so I took the opportunity to post a bunch of them on my website. It's a lot like that stroll through a museum, clear your mind kinda thing.
Certainly nothing as beautiful as that photograph. Just where is that, anyway?
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