Sunday, March 02, 2008

Kirkus (yea KIRKUS!!) loves it!

Remember those "Mikey doesn't like anything" cereal commercials? 

I've often thought of them when I've read Kirkus reviews of books I've loved. 

Kirkus doesn't seem to like much of anything, and even the things they do, they kind of snarl at.

 Well, Kirkus likes Dan Tomasulo's Confessions of a Former Child. Knock me over with a feather boa (red please.) 

Here's what they said A practicing psychologist puts himself on the couch. In his witty debut, Tomasulo (Psychology/New Jersey City Univ.) examines episodes in his work and daily life that provoke jarring, sometimes humorous reminders of various childhood traumas. 

And here's how they close Disquietingly funny, stuffed with entertaining details and penetrating insights.


Mindy Tarquini said...

That's grand. I'm looking forward to this one

Heidi the Hick said...

I love how enthusiastic you are about your clients!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to say you hated it.

That would have been a fun entry.