Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Yo mothafucka Meow

My pal Val died yesterday. Pulmonary hypertension, a lung condition that she'd had for a year probably contributed to her death. She wasn't yet 50. She'd refugeed out of New Orleans ahead of Katrina; she'd only moved to New Orleans a few years before to be with friends.

I adored her. We shared the same deeply perverse view of the world. We were sarcastic sisters of St. Skeptic. She made me laugh every time I talked with her.

She talked about coming to New York periodically but she never quite made the trip. She was aghast at how much apartments cost here, and always told me what she got there in Texas for about what I paid here in New York (two bedrooms, living room, dining room and a garage for starters). I always said "yea Val, but it's in TEXAS" and we'd laugh.

She told me one of her cats was from New York. I said "how can that be, and besides, how would you know?"

Val said "cause this cat has attitude. I pet him and he looks up at me, yawns, and says 'yo mothafucka, meow'". Well I was on the floor of course, and forever after when she called, I answered with that phrase.

Val wasn't an important writer. She didn't do lifesaving work. She herself would have said she was just ordinary.

Well, Valerie wasn't ordinary at all to those of us who knew her and loved her. She was amazing. She was funny and smart, and fun to be with. What is ordinary now is the world without her presence.

She will be deeply missed. I only hope that when Saint Peter sees her at the Pearly Gates he knows to say "yo mothafucka, meow."


Gina Black said...

An obit with attitude and it made me cry. I'm sorry for your loss. Sounds like we all lost too. The world needs more laughter and less ordinary.

Stephen Parrish said...

I'm sorry for your loss, Janet. The way you describe Val, St. Peter's gate will be wide open.

I can't help remembering that the first blog post of yours I ever read was a eulogy to a childhood friend from your old stomping grounds in the PNW. You obviously love deeply, you have good insight into the human soul, and both are touching.

Maria Zannini said...

Janet, I'd never been moved to post on your blog until now.

This is a kick-ass tribute to an amazing friend.

I'm sorry for your loss. Val sounded like a hoot. ...to say nothing of the cat.

Vicki Pettersson said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, Janet. You honor her, though, with your memory and words.


Christa M. Miller said...

I'm so sorry you lost a friend, Janet. She sounds like she was a wonderful person, and so are you for memorializing her the way she was. Take care.

astrologymemphis.blogspot.com said...

Did you know that a lot of people call me Val? When I first read this, I thought, I died? and had to read on to see how. I can only wish I was as adored by you as she obviously was.

So there are a couple homeless kitties now, and one sounds like a perfect match for you. What greater thing could you do for your friend? Sorry ... no pressure there. It's just a thought. I'm sorry for your loss.

DeadlyAccurate said...

My condolences on the loss of your friend.

Tena Russ said...

Your tribute to your friend makes me wish I'd known her.

I'm so sorry, Janet.


Paige said...

So very sorry for your loss. You honor her well.


Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

Soldier, I wish you well.

Susan Adrian said...

Oh, Janet, I'm so sorry. Val sounds like a marvelous person, and a kick to hang around. You're lucky to have known her--and she was obviously lucky to have a friend like you.


ryan field said...


Eric said...

What they all said. A moving tribute to a pal. I'm sorry that you've lost her.

Anonymous said...

oh no ... i remember "mothafucka meow," partly due to my selective memory that always files away stories involving cats, but mostly due to the fact that it's mothafuckin funny. i'm so, so sorry.

Jaye Wells said...

Well, if you're going to be remembered for your words, it's best that they're hilarious. This was a wonderful way to honor her memory. I'm so sorry for your loss.

The Anti-Wife said...

Losing good friends too early really sucks. This was a lovely tribute to her.

R.W. Ricks said...

Janet, Sorry to read about the loss of your friend Val. From your moving words it is apparent, though it gives little solace now, that Val left a light behind. What more can we hope than to share illumination in this often too dark world. There is no better legacy.

Best to you.

Mindy Tarquini said...

I am so very, very sorry.

James Goodman said...

I'm sorry for your loss.

amanda h said...

Janet--I am so sorry for your loss. Your tribute to Valerie was lovely.

My mom died 5 years ago yesterday. She left me her well-loved, spoiled-rotten, old lady's cat. The cat meows, "get the F%$# up and get me my breakfast" every morning at 5:30 am sharp. If I don't get up, she gets right in my ear and yells bloody murder.
With my 7-year old, she is as sweet and gentle as she can be. The cat is at least 17 years old and is still going strong.

Take care,

Sandra Cormier said...

Everyone has to have a Pal Val at one time in their lives. I'm glad you had one, and her memory will shine on every time you hear a cat swear.


Chris Eldin said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. Stephen is right--you are one of those people who loves deeply.

As someone once told me, it sounds like you were two peas in a pod, only different pods. She seems like an amazing person.

Hugs to you.