Wednesday, August 08, 2007

3 indicators of an "interesting" day

1. I called the office and the receptionist had just arrived at 10:30 after WALKING to work because

2. The number of trains running in NY is fewer than the number of books I like written by Robert James Waller because of

3. The electrical storm at 5am (which blew out the coffee pot -at least this time it wasn't the dsl line)

I'm off to forage for coffee. I'm frankly shocked that NYPD doesn't do coffee delivery on days like today simply as a matter of public safety.


ilyakogan said...

I can almost picture it. The first responders rushing to the scene with IV bags full of mocha frappuccino... :)

Stephen Parrish said...

So I gather there were no trains at all running in New York . . .

Chris Eldin said...

So you mean all those people who usually travel underground were now overground in NYC in August with no coffee?

Kitty said...

Ginormous hail stones took paint off our home. One of the back corners is now "polka-dotted." The power went temporarily and limbs crashed in the yard.

Summer weather -- gotta love it :)