I'm adding "cowgirl lit" to the list of what I'm looking for. With a cover like this all I can think of is "I want MORE!"
For those of you who regularly read the blog you'll remember I've posted about Kennedy Foster before.
Never ever let anyone tell you that new fresh talent isn't being published. You're looking at the proof it is.
That is a stunning cover. I'd pick that up in a heartbeat just to see what it was about. Now that you've recommended it, I'm definitely checking it out.
I like the sound of cowgirl lit.
What I love is the title. BTW, I get a lot of YA ARCs from Penguin because my friend is a sales rep and I just want to say that there are a LOT of debut novels in my piles of to be read ARCs. I'm not saying all of them are good (I haven't read them all yet), but it is not impossible no matter what anyone tells writers and I'm glad that you're telling them again! And I'm a debut novelist with my agent picking me out of the queries. It can be done!
Oh my gosh, I think some of my cosmic requests have been answered...
...and if I don't have an agent yet by the time by current book is done, well, you'll be hearin' from me!
I just want to know if her cat survived the past year. Anyway--
Wow, what great news! I'm gonna surprise you one day soon. . .
I know you're looking for new manuscripts, but if you want an already published cowgirl-ish story to read, check out The God of Animals by Aryn Kyle. Amazing read! :D
Now that's a genre I could get into. I always loved Westerns but they left me feeling a bit left out, so male! LOL
I don't know if mine qualifies as "cowgirl lit" or not, but I'll put my hubbys cover up against anyone's...........
Nice! Makes me want to get a cat so I can waltz it around the kitchen too.
The title reminds me of one of my fave songs, the late Gram Parsons' "Return of the Grievous Angel," whose chorus goes:
Out with the truckers and the kickers and the cowboy angels
And a good saloon in every single town
Oh, and I remember something you once told me
And I'll be damned if it did not come true
Twenty thousand roads I went down, down, down
And they all led me straight back home to you.
Who changed the title (I like this one better, but on your first blog it was STANDFAST).
Congratulations to all...
That's a beautiful cover!
Congratulations all around!!
I am so pleased for both of you. I hope it does very, very well.
Perhaps Cowgirl Lit is the next big thing.
Can't wait to read it. Cowgirl Lit. Sounds almost...respectable. Hah! I can fix that!
What a great description. I'll be all over reading cowgirl lit!
Gorgeous cover, indeed! I'm off to see what this one's about...
If you like this genre you may want to check out www.reedrummond.com the pioneer woman as she is known here. She went from LA to a ranch in the middle of nowhere.
Her site is entertaining and the pics of their ranch are incredible.
I went to Jr.High in the small town she moved to in Oklahoma (she is a very daring woman to live there).
Growing up around horses, I just love this new genre. I need to check it out!
Yeah, Ree's website is a hoot. Never know what you'll find there.
Have any of you read anything by Laura Crum? She's written a series of mysteries starring an equine vet. I haven't read any yet, but I like what she writes on Equestrian Ink. ( http://equestrianink.blogspot.com/)
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