Saturday, November 14, 2020

Something beautiful for you today



  1. Very beautiful & soothing. I hope your week has been calm & restorative.

    Here's a whimsical video a friend sent me a few months ago, of giraffes doing high dives

  2. Absolutely stunning! I have goosebumps in a wonderful way. And yes, I've subscribed :)

    Hope you're self confinement is going well and that you're mentally repaired and refreshed.

  3. When I click on the content of this post, it is empty. I can see the headline and two comments, but nothing that is beautiful for us today. 🤔

  4. Try this link?

  5. Wow, such beautiful voices.

    And the giraffes. Oh my Lord, how glorious. I love love love giraffes so thank you, Leslie. Great start to my weekend.

  6. Oh! Stunning. Thank you!
    And I hope this past week has been a time of refreshing and restoration for you...

  7. Welcome to almost back, my Queen

    Here's the link to King's Return doing God Bless America for those who can't get it directly. It is worth it.

  8. Their voices are gorgeous.

    Welcome back, Janet.

  9. God Bless echoing stair-wells. Love it.


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