Friday, November 06, 2020

I have a tenuous grip on my sanity these days

About the only thing I can get done are small things that don't require much thinking.

Here's one:

Rodney Smith is a guy who mows lawns for free for seniors, vets, disabled folks.
And gets kids involved in doing the same.
He's not a US Citizen.
He's applying for a visa to be a resident here.
I think that's a good idea.

If you do too, drop a quick letter of suppoert in the mail.

If you're not following him on Twitter, you're missing out.


His tweets are 100% feel good.
And that's not nothin' these days.


  1. I am looking for good things between work fires and the growing number of unfinished manuscripts at my desk.

    Like that old Dionne Warwick song said ' What the world needs now is love, sweet love".

    Sounds silly but it is true. Too much hate and suspicion and too many disenfranchised people.

    Thanks for this, Janet. You remain my hero.

  2. Hang in there, people. Focus on what matters. Hug your loved ones. Wave back when children wave from their bus stop while you take your morning trip to work. Say a blessing for your health, and for your friends'. Play some music. Bake a cake.

  3. I am having a blast. Writer's Digest went virtual this year and I am there! (Squee!)

    Personal essay workshop yesterday, tons of stuff today. I am in heaven!!!!! Tons of stuff tomorrow too if I survive today (if I don't, I'll die happy!)


  4. It's frustrating how you have to search out the good, but the bad is shoved down our throats.

  5. We should, by now be able to cherish those that give us hope. Mr. Smith seems to give hope to many, so I'll call a few folks for him; because my cause for hope seems to be on the upswing. Just have to wait a bit longer.

  6. I can vouch for Rodney. He travels around the country mowing lawns for disabled and elderly people for free and gets people, mainly youngsters to sign up for a Mow for 50 program. They mow 50 lawns for free and he gets them a new lawn mower.

    He works entirely on donations and is a God send to a lot of people and encourages young people to get involved in helping others. He was giving away his car to a needy family the other day.

    Truly one of the good guys.


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