Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I hate feeling like a steamroller ran over me.

Yesterday was a total loss. Hopefully, better today.

Thank you for your good wishes.


  1. Been there, done that, hated it. So, take your time and get better.

  2. *gentle hug* you'll get better, hang in there. Been there.

  3. Feel better, Janet! At least you're better off than A Fish Called Wanda's Otto, who probably still believes the central tenet of Buddhism is "Every man for himself."

  4. Imitrex is wonderful for relieving migraines.

  5. I'm sorry you feel bad. It's the pits. I hope you feel better soon.

    I've come down with a bad cold, so I will probably forego festivities as the wee ones are banned from school if they even get the sniffles. I'll probably cancel my appt with the ortho surgeon that takes months to get.

  6. Don't call me stupid.

    Just had to say that. I hope you're on the mend, Janet, and I'm sorry you're ailing, Julie Weathers. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. I hope the construction on your doorstep has gone and you can have a quiet, peaceful day. (((hugs)))

    Julie, I hope you are feeling better soon. Colds are no fun.


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