Sunday, August 02, 2020

update on the geese!

New baby goslings

Having fun with the new family

Just a short month ago

Here they are now!

Some time back a friend of mine found some stranded "ducklings".

When the "ducklings" hissed, they revealed themselves as Canadian geese, not ducks, so off to the wildlife rescue folks down the road.

The goslings were introduced to a mom and dad and several goslings. They integrated into the family quite well.

And now, here they are!

No word on their plans for the last days of summer. 


  1. They grow so fast and before you know it, they're ready to leave the nest...

  2. I remember when my "ducklings" were cute and fluffy like that... Now I can barely get them to text me back.

  3. I've been out a lot more in the early mornings these days (Southern California) and the Canada geese are plentiful and vocal...and hissy! I had more than one chase me down when riding on a bicycle path and challenge me to a showdown. They win, of course.

  4. Not a mask among 'em. Crazy loons.

    Okay, okay, geese. Ducks. City boy.

  5. A happy covid-life story. :)

  6. Those are stunning photos - especially the third one down. Just beautiful!

  7. Wow, that third picture is absolutely majestic! Beautiful lighting and colors.

  8. Love the photos, but the editor in me is compelled to point out that it's "Canada geese," not "Canadian geese."


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