Monday, August 03, 2020

contest results delayed

I'm soaking my head in ice water to get on top of a barometric headache.
I'm hoping to be back among the living this afternoon.


  1. Yikes! Feel better soon.

  2. I hate those kinds of headaches. So. Much. Pressure! Feel better soon.

  3. Here's hoping your headache floats away on an iceberg. Sending penguins and narwhals to help! Feel better soon, Janet.

  4. Hugs, Janet. Hope you feel better soon and not to worry about us; waiting is easy. Headaches are not.

  5. Ouch! Feel better. This weather is really terrible for heads.

  6. I woke up with that wrath this morning. Stupid storm. FEEL BETTER (sorry to yell but I'm passionate about this.)


  7. I hope you fell better soon. After that, brace yourself, there is a bug, ugly drop in barometric pressure heading your way.

  8. Oh no. I hope there is some silver lining for your suffering, like a cool change or a dramatic storm. I hope the ice helps.

  9. Oh no! Hope you're feeling better soon.


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