Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday blahs

I believe I'll just lie here for a while till the world looks a little less blurry.


  1. Oh, dear Queen. I hope things clear up soon.

    I'm not the only one keeping weird hours. Not sure if our Queen was up late or up early. I'm usually the latter sort. Got today's first load of laundry into the dryer and thought I'd check yesterday's comments to see if any more came in after I last checked. 2:25 AM? And that photo and post? This isn't good. I'll make us all some fudge.

    Donna: Thinking of you and hoping tomorrow's important appointment goes well.

  2. It's half past ten at night here Amy but I'll happily take some of that fudge before bed!

  3. In the interest of all concerned, I declare this an official day off. No one may do anything but sleep. And read, of course you can read.

  4. I'll echo Amy's message, Donna, and say a prayer for your important day tomorrow.

  5. Fudge, did somebody say fudge?

    Yo Donna, good vibes coming your way from CT ice and snowland.
    Yo yo Janet, too much, or not enough time, at the end of the bar ? Sweetie Queen you need to get some sleep or fix your clock :)

  6. I hope the flu hasn’t found you. I am feeling blurry too. Winter! Blah! I really need a dragon.

  7. Hope the blahs pass soon, Janet.

    Despite the cold and snow here, I'm feeling energized. I have my agent's notes on a book proposal and it's full steam ahead.

  8. Hope you feel better soon, Janet. I agree with Kathy-of-the-best-last-name. Today should be a day to rest and recuperate from life.

    The extreme cold warning finally ended last night. The next few days will be much warmer, even going above freezing a few days. The dog's ultrasound went fairly well yesterday. Today, I rest (if I can convince my mum that I need a break.)

  9. Another day of snow and ice in Kentucky. We don't do well with snow and ice, kind of like that bear's attitude--we'll opt out. We are too southern to have northern weather.

    Gonna backtrack to see what I missed, but whatever Donna needs, I'm sending hugs.

  10. Hoping the blahs disappear soon, Janet. Amy's fudge sounds like a good cure :-) Or if you need a hilarious book to drive away the doldrums, I recommend Dear Committee Members, by Julie Schumacher.

    Sending positive thoughts Donna's way. And to everyone else, may the sun shine warm upon your face (or if you're a bear, may there be fish in your pond).

  11. Kathy Joyce, congratulations on your brilliant hubby recovering those files.
    To Janet, Donna, and everyone with important appointments or not feeling their best, warm wishes for health, healing, and happiness.

  12. Texas is closed for the day (and possibly tomorrow) due to sub-freezing temps, precipitation last night, insane driving,and because why not? It may be closed tomorrow as well. The VPN works, though, so I'm working.
    Except for right this minute.
    I'd rather be writing.

  13. I'm heading into my third day back at work after 3 weeks vacation, and I feel a lot like that bear myself... Hope everyone perks up before tomorrow.

  14. May your blahs be short-lived, Mighty QOTKU! Look after yourself today. :)

  15. I wish Florida could close down. Driving around only one out of every three auto tags is local. The agenda of those others seems to be to mess with traffic as much as possible. Not just on the roads either.

    I got a call at 0400 from a state employee. One of the canoes they rent didn't come back. I found an old couple, experienced canoers, had wandered past the "Abandon all hope, all yea who enter here" sign. Only made it about four hundred yards into the Seventeen Rivers Run before losing their way. They stopped and waited. At least it isn't skeeter season.

    Hope you aren't too ill, if so go find an emergency room. That storm is drawing close. Hope you recover soon.

  16. I hope you get your energy back soon, Janet.

    Best wishes, Donna, for your app't today.

    Roadkills: A Texas friend (who moved recently from Minnesota) texted a group of us Minnesotans about TX closing down. She's bemused!

    So glad I wasn't on the road yesterday. As I drove to work today, I saw many places where there had been a vehicle in the ditch.

  17. Janet, I'm sorry you're feeling blurry and bear-ish. I hope it's due to being overwhelmed with fantastic works of fiction and not the flu.

    Looks like NC will be shut down tomorrow, with our forecast of 3-4 inches of snow followed by temps in the teens tomorrow night. It'll be back into the 60s by the weekend, so no worries here.

    Donna, fingers crossed for your appointment tomorrow. But honestly, it's better to reschedule than end up having to be rescued from a drift by the highway patrol. Take care.

  18. Hope the day is ending with everyone in good shape for tomorrow. If not, rest and peace tonight!

  19. Janet, this may not cure your blahs, but your ears should be burning (pleasantly). I'm listening to the latest Literaticast podcast, and you receive a really nice compliment from the person being interviewed, agent Molly Ker Hawn. Tune in if you'd like your spirits lifted :-) It's around the 14 or 15 minute mark.

  20. Yo, EM! Not sure you (or anyone) is on this late, but today is Appreciate a Dragon Day! Def your kind of day!

  21. If it makes you feel any better, I pulled a muscle earlier.


    Okay, how 'bout, I spilled my drink?

    Uh-huh, now you're realizing you don't have it so bad, right?

  22. It's cold and drafty in Castle Sieve.

    My printer ran out of ink Thursday. I ordered more but it hasn't arrived. It's amazing how much I depend on my printer.

    I saw my first robin of Spring this morning. Poor thing must not have known it would snow this afternoon.


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