Monday, August 15, 2016

This blog is going to the dogs, Day 15

Luca Brasi
 This is Luca Brasi.  Contrary to public belief, he doesn't always sleep with the fishes!


  1. As long as he doesn't wake up with Trigger's head in his bed.

  2. OMG! The raw cuteness! Sweet baby dog! And fantastic name.

  3. Fabulous name. great face!

  4. A great face and wonderful picture! Caption:

    "Did someone say BACON?" :)

  5. All together now - awwwwwww! That is one seriously cute pup. Boston Terriers are adorable, with their baby faces.

    I recall this name, but can't remember who mentioned it.

    Backtrack to the little cactus bonus content...I've been taking care of Mom's orchid, while she's been vacationing in Maine for the past month. I've dubbed the little thing Ophelia. I've had orchids of my own - and they've all died. I was worried I'd kill this one before she got back. Miraculously, she's thriving - and now I think I know the mistake I made with mine. I was told to put one to two ice cubes at the base of the plant to water them - once a week. I did that, and slowly watched them dry up. Mom told me to set Miss Ophelia into a container of water for five minutes once a week. This seems to work a lot better. I always thought the ice cube thing sounded odd - but hey, it was advice from a florist so who was I to question it?

  6. Love that alert ear and face. Very suitable for a Luca Brasi. And a good thing he doesn't sleep with the fishes. That would be an unnerving photo. Interesting literary reference. I like this Brasi.

  7. What an amazing name! Gotta love literary (or cinematic?) references as pet names. And every Boston I've ever met has been so sassy!

    (and the ears just kill me.)

  8. The only problem with this blog going to the dogs (and horses and the occasional puddy) is that it makes me want to go home and be with my dog and puddy. Who needs a job? I have a cat and a dog!

    But I figure, if I am to keep them in the style to which they've become accustomed, mebbe I'd better stick with this job thing. Also, I love it.

    Jennifer, I'd say both literary and cinematic - Godfather was a novel first, wasn't it? This little guy reminds me a bit of the movie's Luca; there was something insinuating about the guy, you felt for him. Ugh, that scene where he rehearses thanking the Godfather for letting him come to the wedding ...

    But is "just kill me" a good reference, all things considered? :)

  9. Aw, he looks like my husband's Uncle Tony.
    Salute, Luca Brasi!

  10. Oh, boy... those ears. Those soulful eyes, and that kissable mug. I'm in love.

  11. Look at those eyes! Boston terriers have some of the sweetest expressions.

    This Luca Brasi obviously sleeps with the humans.

  12. Well, he looks as if he's done something bad and was hiding under the pillow in case he gets caught...

    Such a cute face!

  13. Leave the cannoli, but take the puppy!

    Luca Brasi is totally adorable. Look at those ears! He's giving you that "how can you remove a sweet thing like me from this cozy spot" look.

  14. Little Luca looks seriously guilty about something! What a cute pup!

  15. I'm officially addicted to puppy of the day posts!

    His eyes are gorgeous.

  16. I see "But Mom, you are the one who thought I needed more roughage. I could have told you bean curd wasn't right."

    Cute little guy, looks to still be young enough to consider humans to be good pillows.

    Donna: never trust professional growers information. They have climate controlled places that they work in. Those have no relation to the real world.

    Orchids are rain forest plants. You can only over water them if the media they are planted in is broken down. The biggest cause of them failing is if they get too much sunlight. A good guide is that orchids grow well in the house but need more light to bloom.

    E-mail me if I can be of more help.

  17. Such a cutie. He looks like he's deciding if what you're offering is worth coming out into the cold. I once knew a Boston Terrier named Teresa -- sweetest dog ever.

    Donna, I heard of a woman who checked weather reports and only watered when it rained in Phoenix. I think your way works better.

  18. Aw. He does look (adorably) guilty to me, too. And soo very comfortable. Makes me want to crawl under the covers, too!

  19. Luca Brasi is adorable. My best friend has a Boston and they have the most expressive eyes -- and Luca is proof of that!

  20. You guys are killing me with the cuteness! Best way to start the day :-)

  21. Thank you, Craig. I think I saw you mention something about orchids another comment? If I ever get another one - I'll check in with you about how to care for it.

    Beth - that is wild! But...did they live is the question! Arizona is so arid from what I've heard from friends who live there.

  22. Luca is absolutely precious.

    When I was in high school our next door neighbors had a Boston terrier that would run the fence line with my collie. They were best friends. The little guy could keep up.

  23. Luca is absolutely precious.

    When I was in high school our next door neighbors had a Boston terrier that would run the fence line with my collie. They were best friends. The little guy could keep up.

  24. The look on that face! Love the name too.

    Have to admit, though, it's a bit disturbing that this dog doesn't have a body. 0_0

  25. What a sweet dog. I'm really enjoying the going to the dogs blog.

  26. "Make me an offer I can't refuse."


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