Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Writing contest results!

This was a really interesting challenge for y'all!
And the results gave my Spell Czech a bout of anxiety that damn near killed the poor fellow!

Herewith the results:

Special recognition for a great first line:
"It needed a burning." Timothy Lowe 8:04am (but holy moly, that story seared my sensibilities, yes indeed)

Special recognition  for evoking James Joyce
kregger 8:26am

Evocation of pure writer panic
Bronwyn Deaver 8:47am

This one made me laugh
DeadSpiderEye 8:54am

Brilliant manipulation of prompt words
Steve Forti 9:23am

Absolutely gorgeous evocation of the Scottish play
Kitty 11:08am

Special recognition  for a great  line:
Scott Sloan 3:11pm
"They had a shtick, and they were shticking with it…"

I'm not sure what this is but it's amazing
Steven 4:34pm
FlashFriday 2:03am ("and no one can chep like a fluven-bangle")

I love the subtlety of this one "matching orange blouse and pants" is a sublime


Irene Olson 5:25pm

Unionized Elves!
Mark Anthony Songer 5:26pm

So creepy I had to go look at kitten videos for a minute to regain my composure!
Marie Wallace 5:26pm

And here are the nine finalists

(1) Madeline Mora-Summonte 8:25am
The creature leaves Janella gifts. She is his intended. Or so say the Donglenn village elders - after she dared to stare them down when their greasy gazes slid over her body, after she fought back when one cornered her, licked her neck, bit at her breast.

She slips on tonight's present, fingers the bracelet's bangles of bone, its fangles of flesh. Here are teeth that will never again tear female skin, eyes that will never again leer at a woman. Janella, shivering with horror, with understanding, whispers, "Thank you."

The creature slithers from the shadows to claim his bride.

who could not love the phrase "greasy gazes." And this is deliciously subtle while telling a complete story.

(2) Ryan 9:30am
“You understand the examination?” asked the chief instructor.

The pupil nodded.

“Then tell me – how does the dongle dangle?” the instructor asked, overturning the hourglass. “You have ten seconds.”

The pupil cleared her throat and replied:

“Oh, isn’t it a fangle
That the dongle dangles
Rather like a bangle
Shining in the rain?”

The instructor’s hand reached for the hourglass, but the pupil raised a finger.

“But if ten dongles dangled
They’d be tough to wrangle
And in such a tangle
They’d never shine again.”

A tear welled in the chief instructor’s eye. “I pronounce you Doctor of Computational Poetry.”

 Computational poetry!

(3) Lance 9:33am
We were in the Oldfangled Tearoom right there on Beach Cliff Way.

I gave her this tennis bracelet. Real diamonds.

She saw it was no bangle, but the real deal.

When she hugged me, she said Oh! Dingle!


She said Dingle, but my name's Dongle. Dingle's my twin brother.

She'd been two-timing you with your own brother?


What happened?

I dangled her for a bit, but had to let her go.

Did she go back to Dingle?

No. When I let go, she plummeted straight down the face of the cliff. No arc at all.


Finalists lose points when prompt words are used as names. That has always seemed a bit slackerish to me. This one is better than most that use names cause the name is an integral part of the story. And I do like the double meaning of "when I let go."

(4) Colin Smith 9:50am
Impassioned in enlovery, we made a dread discovery:
A hole in the arm of the couch!
"The angle of your bangle made a tear in the chair!"
"Well, dingle dongle dangle—the angle of my bangle! Will the tear in the chair be expensive to repair?"
"Not if I can wrangle all the pieces of this tangle. I'm sure amongst the mangle there's a fix that I can fangle."
Mary looked dubiciously, regarded me suspiciously, but relented most compliciously to let me have my way.
A tenuous solution, though still a resolution:
You couldn't tell the duct tape was there!

This is just too fun.

(5) Laura Rueckert 12:54pm
"I love you," he'd said.

And I love him.

Who wouldn't want to marry a time traveler, to see the world and all the times?

But after ten near-death experiences, after tears of frustration at trying to make new-fangled technology work, I finger the bangle of my bracelet—the heart-shaped one linked to his time travel dongle. Take it off and his next trip will whisk him to 2134 or 1077, while I remain home in 1786.

Deep breath. Clink. The tiny heart hits the saucer. I'll stow it away forever, in some dark place, like my cowardly, real heart.

 I love the unexpectedness of "who wouldn't want to marry a time traveler"

(6) Michael Seese 1:38pm
Dr. Mnemosyne turned the monitor.

"A trip to the Smithsonian, seeing the Star Fangled Banner."

"When she was ten. And it's Spangled."

"Of course. Front row at a Bangles concert."

Adam continued studying the images. "That's her," he finally said, looking at the inert form, wiping a tear.

"She'll be awake in a few hours."

"And she won't know she's a copy?"

"No. Do you want this?" Mnemosyne asked, holding up the dongle.

"Just destroy it."

"I will," he said, sliding it into his pocket. The daughter of a multi-billionaire should command top dollar on the memory market, he thought.

This is so subtle you have to look up the doctor's name to get the full impact of the story. I love that!

(7) Amy Schaefer 5:19pm
Nobody understands the pressure. Everyone expects me to get into Frothing Mad Scientist Academy. My Ten Sun Heat GunTM liquefied London Bridge. I was Junior Evil Genius 2074. Fail, and I’m another child-prodigy loser.

I suck on my braces and ignore the packed arena. Final device check. I bangle the fangle. I hongle the dongle. Adjust the crosshairs and

A flash, a shriek, and five judges zzzzzoop
through the dimensional tear yawning above them. It snaps shut, leaving a burnt-pickle stink.

The remaining judge nods. “Accepted.”

I sketch a bow. The crowd roars.

Suck on it, haters.

Frothing Mad Scientist! The double meanings here are just delicious. And the pacing is perfect. 

(8) Nate Wilson 11:13pm
"Ah, cons. The only place I can truly be myself. Outside of Halloween, natch. #urbanglee"

"Dude, quit with the spoken hash tags. It'll never catch on."

"This weekend? With this crowd? It's totally gonna be a thing. #totallyathing"

"Fine, whatever. Just promise you won't around Kristen."

"Ooh, Krissy. Can't wait to tear into that. #themsthesweetmeat"

"What? No! She's mine."

"Right, cuz you won't scatter the moment she sees you. That never happens. #dingdongleaveemptyhanded"

"Enough. You owe me. I'm calling in the big one."

"You wouldn't."

"I would. Tonight, you stay human. #fangless"

"Bastard. ... But see? Totally a thing."

 Absolutely masterful use of the prompt words, funny as hell, and a twist to boot. This is a perfect entry.

(9) Katie 11:24pm
“Where’s my dangle? I mean…dongle? My spongle.”
“What’s that you’re asking hon?” Bernice, right there to help. She had been right there for the residents for close to forty years. She had interpreted ten thousand misspoken words.
“I’m looking for my…my bangle. It was right here.”
“Your mean your fork, honey. Here’s a new one cuz it looks like you knocked the other one on the fangle. I mean the florten. The…?”
“Yes, yes. You’re a dear.”
Bernice sat down heavily and a strangled sound pushed out of her throat.
“Now, now, no tears Bernice. It’s just a spongle.”

This took the idea of made up words in a whole different direction. I love that. And it's got a twist. And it grabs your heartstrings.  

This was an incredibly difficult choice. No surprise, you guys are tormenting me with increasingly brilliant entries every time we do this.

In the end I want for the heartstrings instead of the humor. It could have gone either way though, to be honest.

so, the winner this week is Katie 11:24pm

Katie if you'll email me with your mailing address and the kinds of books you like to read we'll send you a prize.

Thanks to all of you who entered. It was great fun to read your work. Some really great stuff here that knocked my sox right off!


  1. Mwah-ha-ha-ha!!!!!


    Congratulations Katie :-)

  2. I am the name maker. No points for Me.


  3. Congrats Katie, the other finalists, and all entries. Great talent and so fun to read.

    Thanks again for the fun exercise.

    Cheers Hank

  4. Great entries. This was so much fun. Congrats to K and to all the finalists.

  5. I was really excited to enter this time, as I usually spot the competitions too late. Instead I spent a few hours Saturday getting really stressed out about it!! Which was not fun :-(
    I think I will settle for playing in the comments for a little while longer. I loved reading everyone else's entries and now have even more respect for everyone brave enough to enter!

  6. Hurrah, Katie! I loved your story.

  7. Congratulations, Katie! Great story indeed. And congratulations to all who were mentioned and listed as finalists. Thank you Ms. Janet for running these contests.

  8. Stepping in to say, Happy Shark Awareness Day oh QotKU!!

    Congrats to everyone. I always try, but nothing ever seems to be good enough to put out there. Once. That was it. So again, congrats to you all.

  9. Congratulations to Katie and all the finalists and everyone with a mention. Great stories again this contest!

  10. Let me echo in with my CONGRATS! Katie, for your 'word salad.' This was not an easy contest. I'm amazed with all the Reiders entries.

  11. Congrats Katie. And to all the other mentionables. So many wonderful and cryptic tales to read.

  12. Congrats, Katie!

    Tough choice, for sure.

  13. Congrats to all mentioned. Katie, well done. I loved Kregger's, though it didn't make the finalists.

  14. Great job, Katie!

    Great finalists! Love what creative people can do with 5 words.

  15. Well done, everyone, and congratulations to Katie!

    And I am thrilled to be a finalist - thank you! Love that my entry was considered "deliciously subtle."

  16. Wow, you all are great writers! :) There are some phenomenal pieces in this bunch!

    Great contest everyone! :)

  17. First, congrats to Katie for the win! And congrats to Laura Mary for First Comment of the Day. :)

    And woohoo!! Finalist! Thanks, Mighty QOTKU. I'm glad you liked my little homage to Danny Kaye and Dr. Seuss. :D

  18. Congrats to Katie, superb job.
    Note to self...Try heart-strings instead of humor.
    Naw...not going to happen, too old to change now.
    Angie, thanks for the shout out.
    (Bows to Angie)
    Following audible crunch on straightening, heads to medicine cabinet for Carter's pills.

  19. Congrats to all the mentions, finalists, and Katie for the win! This particular round of entries seemed unbelievably TOP NOTCH.

    I was impressed by so many.

  20. Wow thanks. I'm so pleased and I enjoyed reading all the entries, as always.

  21. Okay, yeah.
    About all of that.
    Three contests spotted.
    Three contests entered.
    Three entries, all dealing in some manner with… maternity?!?

    Time to ring up shrinky-poo, and find out where-the-heck THIS is coming from.

    Congrats, Katie (8^)>

  22. Congratulations, Katie. The word play in all of these entries was so much fun!

  23. I started laughing at jimormonde 8:28 and ended up laughing through most of the entries. So creative and fun. Congrats to all!

  24. Congrats as always to the finalists and winners!

  25. Yay Katie! Excellent!

    And to all the finalists and shout-outs!

    One of the best contests ever for use of the prompt words.


  26. Geeze, once again, I am forever thankful I'm not the one choosing winners. Congrats, folks! Everybody's entries are so interesting.

    And, the story I wrote Janet kind enough to link in the WiR is in today's episode (#65) of Far-Fetched Fables. Y'know, alongside Aliette de Bodard multiple Nebula award winner!!. I'm floored. (and haven't listened to it yet, as I'm at work. sigh.)

  27. OK, vommenters. There are a lot of us who regularly participate in these contests, but there are also some who don't. Maybe they feel intimidated by the quality of the winning entries. Or maybe they don't think they can tell a story in 100 words. Perhaps they're afraid to post their work, knowing hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people will read it.

    What words of encouragement would you give to these people? What do you find most fun about writing drabbles?

    For me, I'm a sucker for a writing challenge. And the 100-word restriction has done wonders for my editing skills. But then actually posting my work for all to see forces me to put my best effort forward. All this pushes me to be a better writer, so even if I don't win... I win! :) How about you?

  28. Nothing like seeing creativity at its best--well done, all! And congrats, Katie!

    To answer Colin's question, I always like doing these because they keep my writing fresh. Seeing how good the other entries are encourages me to step outside typical boundaries (particularly when I have entries that fall too far within them). This helps me put my creativity first, find further ways to make words come to life, and see where the life-blood already exists within them.

    So yes! We all win.

  29. I'm with Colin - I love writing challenges. WRITING "inside the box" (word count limit, having to include certain words, themes, fast deadlines, etc.) forces me to THINK "outside the box" and that stretches my creative muscle in a whole different way.

  30. Well, I know for the most part, what I end up writing is a whole buncha "not a story's"....but I still enjoy the challenge. And I do feel like it helps with editing, weighing words, picking out the shinier ones to replace an ill-suited phrase, that kind of thing.

    And one I wrote, awhile back, is the first chapter of the book I'm writing this month (well, I expanded it a bit, trying not to ruin its original magic. Hopefully successful).

  31. Jennifer: The first time I got a "Not quite a story..." comment, I was confused and had to go back and re-read my entry to figure out why. That was a very useful exercise. To me, that's one of the hardest aspects of this challenge. It's relatively easy to write 100-word vignettes, scenes, snatches of dialog. But a story with beginning, middle, and end in 100 words? That's a lot harder. I still get it wrong. Often!

  32. Kitty, I caught what you did there. Nice! Reiders beware!

    Katie, congrats on a sweet entry.

    This one was way tough. I had many starts and stops; longer stops and shorter starts.

    For me, this is like a good exercise program. If you're a runner (I'm not), and you go for a swim (still not), then you're still working on your lung capacity and overall fitness so you improve your overall self while enjoying something new.

    I'm a long-distance writer, and these sprints really force me to make every word work hard. There's a lotta fun in that process. Even when a particular entry sucks, you still come out ahead.

  33. Congrats to the those mentioned, the finalist, and to Katie! Lance, I loved your Dingle-Dongle twins. And Katie, yours was a true winner.

    To be honest, I wasn't inspired by the 5 words this week and wasn't going to enter, but as the others have said, you have to push yourself and write. It doesn't matter if you're not a finalist (I've only been a finalist twice) what matters is to try and put yourself out there and not be afraid. There are no bad entries — a good/great story is subjective. Janet said, not too long ago, her finalists and winners are not always the same ones some of her friends and colleagues would have chosen.

    So, don't be afraid and when the next contest comes up, join in. You only lose by not entering.

  34. Colin,

    I enjoy writing shorts, but the CW piece flows and when the muse asks me to dance I never decline.


  35. Congrats to Katie and all the finalists and mentionables!


    Words of encouragement? Write. Just. Plain. Write.

    And if you don't win? It's still great practice. Any practice is good, but trying to stuff a story into 100 words is great for helping you get the feel for concise clarity.

    ReCaptcha wanted sandwiches, but the only sandwiches were burgers... sneaky!

  36. To answer Colin - it's about practicing word economy.

    And, otherwise, I'm simply hooked. Can't explain it. I thought about not entering a few times and next thing I know, some entry is out there with my name on it.

  37. Another great batch of creativity!

    Congratulations Katie, nice job. Congrats also to all the finalists and mentions. Enjoyable reads.

    Thank, Ms. Janet Reid, for hosting these fun contests!

  38. Congrats, Katie and all the finalists! What wonderful stories.

  39. I like the 100 word contests because they force me to cut a story down to the bone. My first draft is usually around the 170 mark. Getting it down to 130 is (now, with practice), relatively painless. But the drop to 110 hurts, and the final push to 100 kills me. I have to weigh every part of the story, and ask "do I need that? Does it really move things forward?"

    By the time I'm done, I feel like I've achieved a fitness goal. I'm exhausted and pumped up at the same time.

    I always set the story aside for a few hours before rereading, a final tweak or two, and hitting send.

    In short, it is excellent practice, and writing these stories as part of a community is just icing on the cake. Feel the love, new people! Join in and show off your stuff. We are hungry for all the stories!

    (P.S. I disappearing for a few days to the PNG Mask Festival. Don't have too much fine while I'm gone.)

  40. Congrats to all who have entered here. It was a very wide array of brilliant entries

    Why do I enter these:

    1) The high road:
    A) As a writer incorporating key or prompt words widens my horizons
    B) It is a great distraction from trying to explain why Team Radic are such bad ass terrorists
    C) I hope it is also a good distraction for my Queen. All she has to do is say I like that and that and that. She doesn't have to explain where a full went wrong

    2) The Truth:
    A)There is a place in my brain where those key words burrow in. I can not get any rest until I excise them by attempting to make something of them.
    B) I am a competitive bastard and will compete at almost anything

    3) The low road:
    Donnaeve has won this two times and I haven't. Every time one comes up I see it as a way to start catching up. I have gotten special recognition a few times but Donnaeve is getting too far ahead.

  41. Well done, Katie. The ongle-angle trio lends itself so naturally to humor, yet you brought sadness. Congrats, to you and everyone mentioned!

  42. I love all these selections. Some of them are simply brilliant. Congrats on the win, Katie!

    I'm always so impressed, and a wee bit intimidated, by all the creative talent over here. I had decided not to enter this one (I mean, c'mon, the words were SO weird) but I was reading through some of the early entries and decided, oh, what the heck. It's fun. Like doing a puzzle or a crossword, trying to make all the pieces fit. Except it's a puzzle with no one correct solution, just many different versions of right. I know before I start that I'm never going to be able to tell an entire story in 100 words -- not for lack of trying, I'm simply a dismal failure at it -- so that takes the pressure off. Colin's right, it's just a fun challenge. Anyone feeling hesitant should give it a try next time. Care less, as Wendig says.

    And now that I've encouraged participation . . . I might be a bit scarce around here in the coming weeks. Got to get back to seriously attempting to write fiction again, now that I'm past the worst part of recovery from surgery (please, let me be past it). Thought I'd better give you all a heads up so no one feels the need to send the S&R team into the stacks. Unless the team consists of ruggedly handsome manly men, doing manly things-- *fans self* Ahem. I'll leave a trail.

  43. To quote kd: "Care less, as Wendig says"--and as people like to say these days (unfortunately), you COULD care less! :)


  44. Colin, good point about addressing those reiding and not yet commenting...vommenting on the contests. I remember thinking..."I don't have enough talent to even think of entering." But I did, and over time my entries got better. I don't regret any entries...well there were a couple....none the less. Please jump in and enter. It is better for everyone. And I guarantee, you will look back later and you will wish you entered earlier.

    Cheers Hank.

  45. I wasn't going to enter this one either - crazy schedule plus 2 new scripts to read plus severe anemia out of the blue (like I have time for that). The words were weird and didn't sing to me but once I started looking them up I was hooked.

    I didn't know the "don't use the words as names" rule (I do now) but when I looked up fangle and found Dillyfangle it tickled me and the image of Miss Dillyfangle popped into my head. What would one do with a dillyfangle? Strangle of course which led to seeing her in the courtroom. And with that much rhymage it had to be a limerick or Dr. Seuss. I went with limerick, had loads of fun, and reminded myself I used to write sings and poetry.

    So give it a shot, lurkers. You may enjoy it.

    Congrats, Katie and all the finalists and mentions!

  46. LynnRodz, thank you. You may be interested to know that Mrs. Tingle had her son's name all picked out ahead of time. She would call him Dingle Tingle. But when the second son showed up a minute or two later, Mr. Tingle named him Dongle.

  47. Lance: Poor, poor Dongle Tingle...

    (Why am I laughing so hard?)

  48. Note to self, never read Craig's comments while drinking tea.

    Actually, I think Amy S (i.e. Atoll Amy) may have beaten what is my perceived "record." Or Michael Seese. Not sure. It is sublime to win, but, speaking truthfully here, it sux like remora on a shark not to land even a tiny flip of the fin next go around.

    I don't expect that, wouldn't expect it - b/c Her Sharkness is always on the lookout for something different, fresh and new.

    Aside from all that, I like to try new ways of writing a piece, and I don't get to do that with my other projects. These contests allow me to expand, do something a little different. Which is also ANOTHER reason I do them, - now that I think about it.

  49. Colin,
    I love these little contests, and anxiously await them, ever since I saw the first one.
    I'm not at all expecting to win, which perhaps takes some of the pressure off.

    And any advice I would give, to those who might feel intimidated, would be to first say:
    "What…? You mean like the way I feel every time I open my big fat fingers on the keyboard around here?"
    And then maybe just to offer yourself up to the process, and see what develops.
    I never know what's going to come out (see my previous comment).
    That's a part of the wonder of it all.

    There are a few other sites I've submitted to, as well.
    But I have to say, this is the most fun.

    Janet, I was unaware that using prompt words as names would count against you…
    Boy, did I miss the boat THIS time… three out of five deductions for bad form.
    That's not even a passing grade.
    Heavy flashbacks, to dreams of exams for which I am woefully unprepared.
    And other dreams, which we won't go into here…

  50. Lance, all I can say is, thank goodness Mr. & Mrs. Tingle didn't have triplets. LOL.

    Like others here, I didn't know there were points taken off for slackerishness. (Try saying that fast 3 times. Okay, not so hard, but after a few drinks it gets harder.) Hmm, I wonder if there are other things we lose points on. I need all the help I can get.

    I've also had a few "...not quite a story." And then there was one where Janet brought out her French. Oh yeah, she went there. I'm off to bed.

  51. Donna: I wouldn't be surprised at all if either you or Amy had the record. But what you say is so true. There are times when I've taken the opportunity of a contest to try a different form, or even a new genre, knowing I'll probably fall flat on my face and certainly won't get so much as a mention. But the opportunity is too good to pass up. :)

  52. My head. I don't know where it is. I thought I responded earlier. Katie what a great story. They are were, as usual. There is so much talent on display here. It's like going to the state fair of writing, which would be pretty awesome for me.

  53. Miss Donna, I did not say anything about a record. I was only going by my personal knowledge. Since I have been following this blog you have won twice. I thank you for so sublimely rubbing my little rat shit nose in it. I knew there was a troublemaker behind those gee-whiz comments of yours.

    I have tried several tacks on these contests. I got recognition early for such things as reeling in lines of Lee Child and Elmore Leonard. Another was the bio-engineered dragon of Lot 2097. Then I tried other things and listened intently when they went splat. One of these days I'll get one to run on all cylinders, maybe.

  54. Best. Compliment. Ever.
    Thank you, Ms. Reid, you made my week! Congrats to all of the writers who entered. I enjoyed peeking into your brains. ;)

  55. Craig and Colin, I also tried writing in different genre's and styles. Heavens there was POV,film noir, musical,sci-fi, limerick...eieio. It's fun to jump into other arenas and strech. I hope anyone out there just reiding will jump in, we're all inclusive any barely ever any drama. (Unless I start it...ooof)

    cheers Hank

  56. Thanks you Colin & co for all your words of encouragement :-) I actually find it incredibly painful to share anything that I’ve written, and can’t even talk about my writing without turning red and blotchy – it’s crippling and slightly ridiculous. I realise I need to get over this pronto, which is part of why I have started chatting in the comments, and am slowly drip feeding my OH a chapter of my novel at a time. I naively thought 100 words would be an easy share, but knowing I was writing something specifically to be shared and judged and posted on the internets killed any ideas dead. It didn’t even occur to me that it was a good writing exercise regardless of whether I posted it or not. I let the panic win this time. I shall give it a beating next time. With a dongle.

  57. Laura May, I know how you feel. Regularly commenting here on has helped me immensely. Please keep chiming in.


  58. I don't think you'll find a better group Laura May. It is the most objective bunch of people. Very helpful, and never judgmental, to my recollection anyway. And I will admit, once you get to know them, they're pretty insightful and sincere. Just take your time, we're all here for everyone.

    Cheers Hank

  59. I like the insight into the contest that these result pages give, so much more satisfying than the black hole most contests represent for entries and I got a laugh too: result! Congrats to the winner, that was a fine entry. Personally I try to remain philosophical about the prospect of success: it's not the winning that counts, it's the inconsolable and abject desolation of all the losers.

  60. Laura Mary: Beating your doubts is the best use for a dongle. :)

    Hank: No, we're not at all judgmental--except when it comes to your attire. That dress! Those shoes..!! ;)

    Now to today's post... :)


  61. My sartorial and satirical style are above reproach Colin...no back to Carkoon with you.

  62. Thank you, Ms. Reid! And congrats, everyone. Your entries were all so fun to read.

    To anyone considering attempting one of the flash fiction contests, you definitely should! It's a great exercise. Brevity, revision, creativity. For example, my entry was the first thing I'd ever written in present tense! And yes, the previous time I tried this, I got a "not a story" too. That just meant I knew what to look out for!


Keep your comments succinct. Any comment that runs longer than 100 words is generally too long.

If you're commenting more than three times a day, it's too much.

Civility is enforced. Spelling/grammar mistakes may be pointed out ONLY in the blog post itself, not in any of the ensuing commenter's contributions.

If your comment doesn't show up, it's most likely that Blogger ate it. Try posting again using a GoogleID. (comment moderation is on only for older posts)