When you submit a query, who is the primary? The agent or the agency? In other words given the situation of the agent reading full has moved house, does the query automatically go with the agent?
Generally queries go to the agent. Each agency has a different policy on whether querying one agent at an agency means you've queried them all.
Here at FPLM, you are welcome to query all the agents; we only ask that you do it one at a time. Thus, if you query me, and I am shortsighted enough to say no, then you can query Stephany Evans. If you query us both at the same time, it creates problems for you that you do NOT want to have.
If an agent reading a requested full has moved to a different agency, you're wise to email and ask if they're taking their requested manuscripts with them.
I don't know how other agencies work but here at FPLM, an agent's requests go with them.
If you don't hear back, assume the requested full has not made the move. You should of course keep querying until you get an offer.
Those of you wondering about the results from this weekend's writing contest: those will be posted tomorrow (Tuesday.) I got behind over the weekend.
Whoot! First! Ha, 2NNs! :D
ReplyDeleteI heard a campfire story (well, it must have been, it chilled me to the bone) about someone who queried two agents at the same agency simultaneously, and got so far as a yes with both agents. The kicker was that they both found out, not from the author, but from each other.
ReplyDeleteOf course, then there are the stories of authors who have a full out with an agent and then the agent moves, and it fall through the cracks.
Moral of the story? Keep querying. Just keep querying. Or maybe it's that you shouldn't be stupid enough to simultaneously sub to two agents at the same agency. I dunno. I might be slightly fuddled. Methinks it's time for bed.
If an agent reading a requested full has moved to a different agency, you're wise to email and ask if they're taking their requested manuscripts with them.
ReplyDeleteHow would the writer know the agent has moved unless the agent notified the writer about the change of address? And if the agent did that, why not include the info about the requested manuscripts?
Kitty: I would presume the writer would find out via social media, Writer's Digest, PW, or some such outlet--assuming they, or the agency, update such news sources. Come to think of it, I don't recall WD having an "industry news" section. It might impinge on PW to do so, and the news might be a little old by the time WD goes to press, but it might be useful...?
ReplyDeleteIt seems FPLM-Carkoon has a similar policy with regard to submissions, though this can largely depend on what you use to submit your manuscript. I've heard my predecessor spent two weeks trying to remove an uncomfortably tenacious karrowall from his posterior after someone used it to deliver his novel...
This is why a writer must have a bit of sleuthing skills in order to keep track an agent. I would imagine the agency's website will inform writers of any changes, for one. Aside from that, Twitter might be helpful, or a blog (We all knew about Brooks Sherman right here at The Reef b/c who knew Sharks could cry when a Sharklet decides to leaves?)
ReplyDeleteThank there are all the other sources mentioned, plus AQ, etc. etc. Maybe the good news is..., agents don't often switch around just to switch around. I feel/sense for the most part, they stick around for a while.
Congrats W.R. on the first comment. (that "whoot" of excitement was funny)
Good advice as always.
ReplyDeleteHey, W.R. Gingell, I stand before you as unworthy.
ReplyDeleteBows head and slinks away.
I'm sick, thought it was Sunday, couldn't find my Dayquil, had to make breakfast, take dog out, thought Janet was sleeping late, earthquake, tsunami, asteroids-a-comin', had to do laundry, taxes, milk the cows and feed the hogs ?
Like I said, unworthy and out of excuses :)
What about if you query someone and they change agencies before responding? What happens to your query?
ReplyDeleteDonnaeve- you think my 'whoot' is funny, you should see my face :D
ReplyDeleteCarolynn- snfsnfsnfsfn (that's my Muttley snigger)
Julia, I would have said send a follow-up query asking the status of your query, but that's just me. I've been known to be wrong once or twice :D
In my way of thinking, (suspect for sure), it would be my hope that my agent WOULD WANT TO take my amazing full with them. Your agent is you agent after-all. It's the agent that requested the full not the agency, so am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteI guess, baring mishaps, I'm assuming that my un/mentionables would make it into the agent's suitcase on the way out the door and to the new digs. And, it would be my hope that the line of communication would be such that, fulls and cupcakes don't go missing.
Carolynn - "My Laptop Blew Up and Shorted Out My Entire House."
ReplyDelete"A dragon Ate Me. I Got Better." (With apologies to Monty Python).
"My Fingers Suddenly Forgot." (Leave it there. The less said, the better; plus, the intrigue adds something.)
"It was the time change - I forgot to change my clock." (Go for confusing them. Yeah.)
"I was sure the QOTKU would post late today." (The Alphabet of Blame - A: Always Blame; B: Blame; C: Continue Blaming)
"The Dog Ate My Keyboard. And Phone." (Or substitute 'Dragon;' Dragons work in place of almost any noun. I adore Dragons.)
Julia, are you home and eating and feeling better?
ReplyDeleteI, too, would like to know if you are home yet :) Or are those dragons at the hospital? Wait, are you at Lady Sybil's Hospital for Dragons????!
ReplyDeleteJulie H.: Here's my guess of an answer: query the agent again at the new agency, and just note at the bottom that you queried her just prior to the move and you wanted to be sure she got your query. And congratulate her on the new position, of course. :)
ReplyDeleteDo I get a prize if I'm right? Maybe a daytrip to FPLM-Paradise??
Colin you are just so flippin' smart.
ReplyDeleteGreat question: another worry to spin chinchilas into fretfull duststorms.
ReplyDeleteJulia's mishaps impelled me to search for a link about lame excuses children give but this is all I could find given my very limited time: kid typos
I can already see the end of summer and it just started.
Yes, but with his luck, if he DOES get a daypass to FPLM-Paradise, all the boats won't be running that day :D
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, spot on with the answer, I'd say. Someone get this man a cigar!
I queried two agents at the same agency once. Yes, me, who is so meticulous about following the rules.
ReplyDeleteI queried Agent A and after six months of no reply assumed no response meant no interest since the guidelines say if no response in six weeks.... So, I queried agent B at the agency. He was perfect. He even had the cosmic blue shirt. We were meant for each other! Alas, someone forgot to send him the memo. Nice personal response. Loved the premise. Tight writing, but it just didn't hook him like he hoped it would. Good luck. A few weeks later. "Julie! I am so sorry. Do you still have Far Rider? This query fell through my cracks. I'd like to see 50 pages." Yikes. Agent A.
This is why I hate the damnable "Please assume no response means no interest if you haven't heard from us in six weeks. Don't contact us to check on your query."
We don't hide crazy in the south. We parade it around on the porch and give it sweet tea, but seriously, are agents trying to drive writers nuts? Do they think it plumbs a new level of their soul?
Well, yes, I guess they are. QOTKU already confessed.
She knows her minions wait with bated breath to be first and laughs maniacally as she upsets their worlds by screwing with the post time.
Is it 7:00 yet?
Y'all are too funny. I love it.
In other news.I'm perking along on the Civil War novel and I need to set an exact beginning date. As much as I know the bronc rider story has to be right, this one even more so. Stitch counters will crucify me if the facts are off as the Shenandoah campaigns were crucial.
And I've dithered long enough over hitting submit on the fantasy. Off it goes today.
Ooooooh Julie! tsk tsk :D I take it all was well that ended well, though? No flame wars and/or drive by revenge?
ReplyDeleteAlso, good luck with your fantasy :) Submission period is an arduous, tortuous time.
Julie -
ReplyDeleteI think agents absolutely plot and plan new ways to destroy us, merely for their own entertainment. ;) I've even heard some agents use terrifying animals as avatars while pretending to be nice, only to chomp us to bits. :)
I agree with Colin. As with health benefits, life changes require re-enrollment. If an agent changes jobs, gets hired by the CIA, marries a lima bean share-cropper on a wasteland planet, is abducted by aliens, or runs for president, I'll be checking in to find out how to proceed at their new email address (and casually mentioning how I'll be voting).
In other news, thank you for whoever posted the sticker system link on youtube. I began using it a week ago and have started to see some results in culling my bad habits. Yay for progress!
WR: Either that, or she'll give Stinky "The Stinker" McFlannagan a daypass too. On the same day. On the same overcrowded boat. In the seat next to mine. Bench seat.
ReplyDeleteJulie: I'm not even entering the "first-to-post" contest. Yesterday's WiR posted at 9pm ET and I still couldn't be first!
Haha, the only reason I got here first is cos I was scrolling through my list of blogs that I follow and noticed there was a new post- and one, moreover, with no comments! Imagine the joy of me liddle heart! :D
ReplyDeleteBrian: *sigh*--I can't tell you how many queries we get for lima bean share-cropper romances here. Done. To. Death. But no-one listens. I guess after Borbonne Xyloophed's intergalactic bestseller autobiography, LOVE, LUST, AND LEGUMES everyone thinks they can write lima bean romance and make big money. As far as I know, Xyloophed still farms his beans on Chylor III despite his wealth, and pleas from his publisher to go full-time and write a sequel.
ReplyDeleteI have no excuse - posts go up around lunchtime for me (in that it's 12pm here in Blighty, not that I get up at 2am and therefore 7am is my lunchtime...)
ReplyDeleteWR, Julie, CarolynnwithalltheNs *throws down glove* I challenge you to a 'firsts' duel!
Pistols at dawn. Or y'know, whenever Ms Reid feels like posting.
I'm glad Donna described it as keeping track of an agent. Wouldn't want this to spill over into stalker-land. But vigilance often leads to success and prevents one from falling through those cracks.
ReplyDeleteTheresa: No, of COURSE pre-published writers don't *stalk* agents. We just follow them on Twitter, follow their blogs, research their reading preferences, read and follow their clients, look up their eating preferences, find out their favorite movies, music, color, font... that's all. Stalking would be CREEPY!
ReplyDeleteWell, it all ended without drama, so that's a good ending. I've discovered in life timing is everything. If Pickett had not stayed too long at a fish fry Richmond might not have been lost. If Mr. Johnston had not stayed too long in Mrs. Wendell's room at the Good Samaritan Nursing Home, Mrs. Blaylock would not have wandered down the hall and caught her boyfriend coming out of the room, zipping his britches and thus tried to beat him to death with her cane.
Captain, of course they plot. Look how many of them want mysteries and thrillers. It's how their minds work.
The world may see an agent going about their daily chores, reading, wrangling, poring over words and ledgers in a well-lit office, but in the back room, the one behind the curtain no one sees, the wheels are turnings. The boys in the backs hunch over desks in an appropriately dim nook and draft their next fiendish little plot and the agent doesn't even realize what they are doing because by now they are so well hidden she doesn't know they are there. She just wakes up and stretches. A brilliant idea comes to her and she thinks. "Ha, that will drive them nuts! I'll do it right now. Even before I brush my little sharky teeth."
And the boys in the back cackle softly and rub their hands together. Plan 1,234 launched.
Or maybe she's just setting up the schedule and laughs. Let's do this one different just for giggles.
I've been first twice I think, purely by accident. One I deleted and one I felt terrible guilt about.
Ok, back to work with me. I need to dig up a fence today, but first I need to get the guts up to send this manuscript into the nethers. Where did I leave that whiskey?
Okay, back to the OP, so what happens if let's say you query Agent A and Agent B at the same time because they're both at different agencies and both requested fulls, then Agent A moves to Agent B's agency and now they both have your manuscript and want it? And let's say, you weren't even aware that Agent A decided to move so this was definitely not your fault.
ReplyDeleteTalk about bad luck if both say, "Okay, never mind you can have it." and then neither one takes it. I think I read that scenario somewhere or maybe it was just a bad dream.
Julie, take a shot and then hit 'send'. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and it's not easy typing with crossed fingers. I'm sending out positive energy you'll hear back from someone soon.
ReplyDeleteLawsy, no firsts contest for me. I feel guilt when I post first. I delete. I don't even post if I have nothing relevant to say, which is not to say I have anything intelligent to say most of the time. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese as they say.
ReplyDeleteI'd guess the agent wouldn't hold your lack of prognostication against you... though this could tie into Julie Weathers former statements about plots and such... Perhaps the moving Agent A emails Agent B to ask what queries are in the box, gathers a list of writers to request, and then shows up to the new agency telling all involved to shove off a cliff for breaking the rules! ;)
Julie - I always smile when someone calls me Captain! Probably because I wish I were on a boat fishing instead of working in the fast-paced world of retirement.
On the topic of submitting your baby - my father had a saying. "What's the worst that could happen? I mean, you could die of stress induced heart failure while taking the Lord's name in vein and end up spending an eternity in Hell, but beyond that?" Seems applicable here.
And in all honesty, I read something that struck me and I hope it is of some use to you as well. To summarize, it basically said people who fail at life constantly tell you how they would have succeeded if A or B happened. They justify. Over and over. People who succeed never have any reason to justify, because they leave themselves no other possible option. The former believe quitting isn't quitting when you redefine your dreams. The latter don't believe in redefinitions, just recalculations.
Colin - I too have been waiting eagerly for the sequel to LOVE, LUST, AND LEGUMES - I'm hoping this one will be told from the perspective of Borbonne directly, instead of through the eyes of his young-witted bondage-enthused lover. A strange choice, writing an autobiography from anothers eyes... but hey, who can predict such chaotic trends on the quagmire that is Carkoon.
And I accept the firsties challenge. I'm a madman when it comes to refreshing internet pages, and my mornings of late have been quite boring. Plus, no one will play board games with me anymore due to my poor sportsmanship, so I need a new thing to win at while I wait for fantasy football season to start. ;)
Hahahaha, Colin. Yes! Tracking is professional (keep that submission spreadsheet up-to-date); stalking is a no-no (but I'm your biggest fan). Ah, the fine lines in a writer's life.
ReplyDeleteQueryTracker is another good place. It has plenty of agent-stalkers to let you know who is doing what with what agency.
ReplyDeleteAnd, it goes back to the "no response means no," when no response could mean "forgot to clean out my email at the old place before IT nuked it."
"No response means no" has got to be one of the biggest soul-crushers of the query process.
"Hey, I got this rejection, but still have 5 queries out."
*checks calendar*
"Hey, I have 6 rejections."
Addendum to question. An agent moves to a new agency and takes their fulls. A bunch of the fulls, and maybe even the clients, are just not what this agency wants to be known for. Does everything (and possibly everyone) just get the heave-ho or does the agent try to place them?
Back when my querying for THE LAST SONG was in the hypothetical stage, not the "oh goodness, I'm doing it" stage, some of the agents on my list played musical chairs, and a pair of them ended up at the same agency, while one moved to an agency I didn't know about yet, where I found somebody else who seemed even better. Then somebody else moved, so I think I've got an even spread right now?
ReplyDeleteI did accidentally sub to one "no reply means no"; she seemed awesome enough I was willing to take the chance. Ah well.
I like following agents on Twitter because of the chatter between themselves, authors, and other folks in the industry. They link to amazing articles and blog posts I'd like to read, and I feel like I'm educating myself (and, luckily, I am able to answer most of the questions my writing workshop asks me about Publication Stuff, at least from my experience and perspective, and the answers I don't specifically know, I can refer them appropriately). For instance, I follow Ms. Reid here, and also a couple of agents who are representing friends of mine. None of these three are likely to be my agent, and that's fine. That's not the point, for me.
ReplyDeleteI just read over the first five again. Read them over again because there's some debate on what I should and shouldn't change. Sure enough, I had duplicate two sentences and left out one word, which made the sentence unintelligible.
I'm pretty confident in the rest. It's nearly 14,000 words lighter. Yay! It's definitely in fighting shape. The advice given was really amazing once it finally sank in.
A whole lot of interesting things begin with:
Hey, y'all, watch this!
Reckon what'll happen if I do this?
Hope you got good insurance.
Oh, hell no!
Study long, study wrong.
Mostly though, if you don't get moving, you're going to be possum; a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
So, time to get out of the road.
TLC: So what you're saying is, using tools like QueryTracker is like hiring a P.I. to do your stalking for you?
ReplyDeleteNervous yet, Janet? ;)
I did get my very first story published last week! Then didn't promote it well (it was a really weird week). It's just a drabble, exactly 100 words, but hey, it's my first sale.
Janet, for sinus problems, I highly recommend Xlear sinus spray. The pump spray is better than the squeeze bottle (better delivery method). It's mild and nonaddictive, but it will clear your nose.
Although I am hung up on the Russian night witches, no, I'll never have time to write about them, I think someone needs to write a book about these ladies.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Ms. Olsen.
There was a kerfuffle on Twitter over the weekend that I think started on #mswl with an agent who insisted on receiving an immediate answer upon making an offer of representation. That thread was really interesting in terms of the agent business.
ReplyDeleteJenz: Congrats! Hmm... I don't think it ever occurred to me that drabbles might be a paying gig [NOTE: "drabble" is a commonly-used term for a 100-word story; it has nothing to do with dongles]. Clearly not quit-the-day-job money, but still, something to consider.
ReplyDeleteTheresa: How immediate is "immediate"? Immediate as in within a day or two, or immediate as in "Crap, I'm on the toilet and I left my phone in the bedroom! All is lost!!"?
ReplyDeleteMy first year at the Surrey International Writer's Conference, a certain editor held a 'kaffeeclatsch' instead of taking pitches. This was like a group pitch session where he critiqued our pitches. At the end, he told us all to send partials to him at the publisher he worked for.
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot about writing at that conference, so it took me a few months to use that knowledge to improve my novel. Once I was pleased with the changes, I went to send it to him... only to find he'd switched publishers. And genres. Had he still been working with the same genre, I would have submitted my novel to him anyway. If he'd been an agent, I would have done it, too, because agents can work with more than one genre. But a change in publishers to a non-SF-producing publishing house put the kibosh on my submission.
2NNs - I'm assuming that the agent the OP is talking about is not yet OP's agent. If the agent has already offered representation, I'm pretty sure they'd continue being your agent. But the OP didn't mention any offer of representation, so I'm pretty sure the agent is not yet OP's agent.
WR: I bow to your LSHD reference. I am not worthy.
Julie: Yay for submitting the fantasy!
Lynn: In that situation, where it turns out two agents have the same full ms to read, chances are YOU would be the one deciding which agent gets to represent you. Just as you would be if they were in two different agencies.
Some months ago, I queried an agent at a certain agency. She asked for a partial and I sent it. Then, during a Twitter pitch party, I received a request for a query from someone else from the same agency. I politely mentioned that this other person from that agency was reading the partial, and asked how she wanted to do this. She said, "If the other agent says no, query me. She has first dibs, but I'm next." And that's what happened. No harm, no foul, just simple clear communication.
Reading some of these comments, I get the feeling that some folks think there is a set of rules that are always followed, and any variation from those rules will result in failure. This isn't football. There are no referees calling 'foul!' Things are a lot less complex than they are on the football field. (No, I've never quite understood football - not even Canadian football.)
An agent is a professional you work with to advance your career in publishing. An agency is the office that agent works for. You submit your work to the agent, not the agency (in most cases, unless they say specifically otherwise). That's because two agents at an agency are not the same - they represent different genres, have different tastes. Your working relationship will be with that one agent.
Everyone knows that agents switch agencies. Agents who switch agencies know this. The agencies they switch to and from know this. So if you happen to query two agents at the same agency, thinking that they're at different agencies, the agents are not going to say, "Hah! We got you to submit to two agents at the same agency! Prepare for an eternity of shame!"
Publishing is a business. Agents are professionals, and so are writers. Mistakes happen, and professionals know and understand this. Heck, they make mistakes, too. Most, anyway.
As Janet says, the only real mistake is being an a**hole. The only real necessity is to write a good book.
Therese: I saw that kerfuffle. The author involved wrote a blog post on it. Let's see if I can find it now...
ReplyDeleteHere it is:
You don't have to say "Yes"
Several other agents retweeted this post, saying "This. This is how things work."
The post goes into detail about the Twitter conversation. Very interesting to read.
Somewhat related to bj's anecdote (and apologies if I've shared this anecdote before, but you probably don't remember anyway--more than likely it was past the 60th comment mark, when y'all start skipping. Heck, half of you probably aren't reading this now. I'm certainly not. *yawn* isn't it about time Julie told a story?):
ReplyDeleteI queried Agent X at Agency Y. If I recall, Agent X is a no-response-means-no (can we create an acronym for this? NRMN? Ooo.. NoRMaN!). So Agent X was a NORMAN, with an expected wait time of 6 weeks, I think. Five weeks into that time frame, Agent Z (that's ZED, if you want to read this as I would) at Agency Y, currently closed to queries, advertised on Twitter that she would accept and reply to any queries sent to her referencing that Tweet. Dilemma: Do I chance querying Agent Z when I hadn't heard back from Agent X considering they are both at Agency Y, thus committing Cardinal Query Offense #2: Thou shalt not query more than one agent at the same agency at the same time. What did I do? I'll tell you. I threw caution to the wind and queried Agent Z. At the end of my query, I noted that I had queried her colleague, but had yet to receive a response.
What happened?! Was I hailed upon with fire and brimstone? Did the query police carry away my firstborn? Was I given a lifetime writing ban?
No. In her rejection response, she said it was okay and complimented my writing. A few days later, I got a rejection response from Agent X, apologizing for the delay.
So all's well that ends well! Sort of. Okay, so they both rejected my novel, but hey... at least I'm still allowed to write! :)
If you're still reading--why? :)
ReplyDelete"Reading some of these comments, I get the feeling that some folks think there is a set of rules that are always followed, and any variation from those rules will result in failure."
I'm sitting here rocking and thinking, "Yes, well, try adjusting your margins to 1.5" and see what happens."
Boy am I sorry I missed that dust up on twitter. The second thing I'm wondering is where did that author even find her? That agent is completely off my radar. I have to figure the agent responded to a #pitmad contest.
That's one to avoid. The author was gracious enough not to mention names, not that it was difficult to find, but the twitter feed will eventually crawl off. Life's too short to deal with rude people and it's shorter for some of us than others.
For the record Colin, I read everything at all times. Try me sometime.
ReplyDeleteI like that your story shows conclusively that the query police do not exist, despite the legends, though the jury is still out on whether you've been blackballed... how can a lowly woodland creature know for certain, after all? Unless the shark checks the database for us. ;)
Julie - I agree completely. I wish I could've thrown a few punches in that twitter-brawl. Because that was some kind of stupid...
Thank you for sharing the link to the blog post BJ and thank you for bringing it up Theresa! It's great information to read and remember.
Julie: At the query stage, though, I think even some of those "big" issues might be forgiven. True, we need to make our best effort to follow the guidelines. But might the knockout query and drop-dead gorgeous writing on the pages blind the agent to the 12.5 point font, or 1.2" margins? When you're busy staring at blue eyes and dimples, who's looking at the ripped jeans?
ReplyDeleteHaving been the recipient of the stink eye, I shall never vary the 1" margins, trust me.
Brian: Oh, I'm not pointing fingers at all. We don't always have time to read 100 comments, so I'm sure we all skim them from time to time, especially when the thread is long.
ReplyDeleteThanks for reading! :)
Julie: Clearly you weren't smiling hard enough! And from the comments, we all know how radiantly you can smile. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat "take it now" agent story is not giving me happy feelings.
ReplyDeleteBJ, thanks for finding that blog post. I'd read it, too, and hadn't gone back to pull the link to include here. It was connected to #mswl and maybe #pitmad, too.
ReplyDeleteI know this wasn't exactly on topic for today, but it all seemed to be related to timing and following rules.
And Jenz, that was a lot of wow packed into 100 words. Congratulations on your publication.
Theresa: "I know this wasn't exactly on topic for today..."
ReplyDeletePossible sub-header of the week. Or maybe the permanent sub-header for the blog. :)
Colin: I think "Norman" should catch on. Let's hope it becomes a thing. (I tried to find a City Slicker's clip with Norman the cow, but came up short.)
ReplyDeleteHaven't had an agent change on a full--but on referral during a developing project. I figure I'll query again once the project is ready.
As for today's question, my money's on Colin for having the right answer.
Colin, you mean we have a topic every day?
ReplyDeleteAround here staying on the topic is sort of like turning ferrets loose in a pool of packing peanuts. Everyone now and then someone pops up momentarily and says, "Oh yes, topic."
Colin: How else would you pronounce Agent Zed? *asked innocently, as though there were no other way of pronouncing the final letter of the English alphabet*
ReplyDeleteAnd I love the new term NORMAN.
Theresa: I actually considered starting that topic yesterday, but Ms Shark had asked that we speak in our quiet voices, and that discussion is not a quiet voice. Thanks for giving me a reason to post the link today.
ReCaptcha is being tricky today. It wanted images of trees. And it gave me a pile of leaves. I didn't fall for it, though, and I was right. No leaves, just trees...
@ BJMuntain - Thanks for posting; insightful. Remember Janet's expression - "...not beggars at the buffet."
ReplyDeleteThis week started with Janet-the-agent felled by a nasty sinus headache, and Janet-my-daughter felled [literally] down the stairs at our church. X-rays today reveal only a bad sprain of the ankle, not broken thankfully.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise I have nothing to contribute to this topic.
As you were.
Mwahahaha We Will Query ALL THE AGENTZ!
ReplyDeleteWe will query ONE agent at a time!
And we haz MORE than one manuscript, we will query ALL THE AGENTZ one at a time, with different manuscripts.
On the first of querying we shall send to Fine Print Literary:
MS 2 to Ms. Evans
MS 3 to Ms. Moore
But on the day they sayz no, then its
MS 1 to Ms. Evans
MS 2 to Ms. Moore
Just kidding, of course! The above suggestion is not the best epiphany resulting from this post.
If I promise to take it all back—including the bad spelling and grammar— can I avoid being exiled to Carkoon?
@Jenz Congratulations. Handfull of dirt.
ReplyDeleteI'm vying for last comment, like Julie I don't want to be first.
Congrats Julie for submitting. I must have missed some news last week.
Colin - yes, QueryTracker comments is like am Liz Smith gossip column from time to time. I have no clue where these people dig up all this info on the coming and goings of agents.
ReplyDeleteI hope Her Sharkiness is feeling better and good luck in the contest everyone!
Last comment? I bet I can win that one.
ReplyDeleteNope, you can't. I can't sleep. What do you do when you can't sleep? You get up to check the shark and write.
Thanks, everyone! And Colin, at the pro rate of 5¢ a word, no, drabbles won't exactly earn you retirement money. :) I like reading SpeckLit, though, and it also got me a starter credit.
ReplyDelete1. The agent is not my agent yet, just one who requested a full
2. I found out she had moved agencies via Twitter
3. She has not replied to my email asking if she was still considering the MS
4. Back to the query drawing board
5. I would like to have cake for breakfast
6. I don't think there is one rule for all agents and all agencies. That's what makes this so confusing, making writers crazy and causes me to eat large amounts of cake
7. I am going to go watch panda videos. I hear they are very relaxing.
I changed my name, the panda formerly known as miz b
That sucks, Panda :(
ReplyDeleteYou're in the right of it, though. Just keep querying. (And cake is always a great idea, too :D )